A new partnership for Wyze

LOL maybe Roku writes better firmware and apps…:rofl:


Does the Roku App support dark mode?

No. It’s almost identical to the Wyze app. Same features. Also you cannot flash firmware from Roku to wyze


I uninstalled the Roku app so I don’t know. From what I noted, the Roku app appears to be a clone of the Wyze app other than some color changes and anywhere it said Wyze it says Roku.


Do you have one of their TV’s?

I have multiple TCL Roku TVs and if Roku were actually going to own the business, I might be interested. But it seems like this is a bit of a joke as I see Roku being dependent on Wyze, and we all know how reliable they are. I would assume also, that any defect/suggestions will come to Wyze through some channel, and Wyze might be tempted to prioritize those? So we should all get the Roku App and submit our feature requests there!

Personally, I think I will buy my devices elsewhere until Wyze is Matter compliant and has changed it’s policies to not snub it’s users so much. I think this is another money making scheme that could have actually been a decent partnership with more resources to help - but nope.

We should ask Roku to allow us to use Wyze cameras to display on the TV. We should ask Wyze to work with Roku to make this happen - I bet they will integrating their Roku branded ones.