A letter from the founders, what to expect in 2023



Happy New year and a hope for a very fruitful one financially and technologically. I am sooo happy they are focusing on the cams this year because I like many others are hanging in there waiting for basic updates that are MAJOR obstacles in our safety net of the cams themselves. To name a few and tickets have been in and nothing yet atleast on my endā€¦ Choppy event recording on seven of eight of my v3 cams, the only one recording perfect to SD card is the newest one thatā€™s two months old. SD cards are wyze branded and purchased thru the site. My phone is android 11 and no issue for viewing landscape mode on multi cam, however I have an Android TV box I have hooked to my TV that is running android 10 and will not do multi cam in landscape mode but single cam is fine on landscape mode. I can stream my phone to the TV and get the group of four cams in landscape mode but after an hour or so my phone starts to overheat. Also new condition of random loss of signal for a few seconds then picks the signal back up again on a cam I am viewing in real time when movement is detected by the cam, blurred faces of people walking past the cam and blurred vehicles and or freezing while a vehicle drives by oneā€¦these are basics and have just surfaced over the last six months or so and no changes to my network or internet speeds or any extra stain on my network of extra devices that are continually using bandwidth. Please address these issues because it may just save someone someday or not save them if not. Patiently waiting and hanging in there by a shoestring on budget and frustration. You guys Rock! Now show us the best is yet to come in 2023!! Thank you for an affordable can for the blue collar man and am and will be a continued supporter .

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Thank you and happy new year to you also
As a new customer that spent 700& dollars on cameras and home security
Iā€™m so disappointed my cameras only give the same notifications noises that everything else on my phone does making them useless for security use
Also Iā€™ve spent hours with your tech support trying to get the security system working without success and itā€™s not even able to be monitored yet but you are already charging me for monitoring a system that doesnā€™t work and wonā€™t connect to the monitoring company
Thank you for your anticipated help with these serious issues with your products
Daniel Anderson


Thank you for your letter and continued strong leadership and excellent choice of refocus for 2023. :clap:

We will focus hard on hearing all your feedback and making the best camera hardware and software in existence.

  • I expect you will sell many many more of the cams when the App interface and functionality/capability is further streamlined/ improved on existing cams, security, plugs & lights.

  • These are great cam, security and home automation products at a very good price.

  • Improvements including: Adding AI noise interference reduction to the cams along with streamlining of the App interface, integration, rule extensions, Home assistat, and additional feedback on our feedback. As well as allowing all devices including doorbell to use home monitoring hub speaker.


First of all, I am enjoying using Wyze products & seeing the enhancements from founders & their tech team!
To me the basics include cameras, sensors, plugs & lights (with a good solid complete user-friendly app UI interface) which are the basics for home automation. Hopefully they will be better integrated and perhaps through Matter so we can use them in Appleā€™s Home Assistant, etcā€¦

  • I used great basic ActiveHome, Smarthome, HomeSeer interfaces for sensors, plugs & lights, cameras back in 1970s - 2000s with X10. The apps for X10 (and following protocols) provided a lot of capabilities that I miss
    X10 (industry standard) - Wikipedia
    Whatā€™s old could be new again. The functionality, capability and control we had were excellent in the day and still ahead of much today. X10 opened their interfaces so others could extend their capabilities. Many of us started with ActiveHome and then extended to other providers for further capabilities. X10 is still supported by some for backward compatibility 50+ years later.

  • Insteon

The best companies do not have to build everything themselves, they leverage standards and interfacesā€¦

    This was true in the 1970s and is even more so now in 2023.
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Excellent camera V3. I love the fact that you have placed so much technology in such a small camera. I hope the size will not get bigger as you implement improvements. The size makes it very attractive. If anything make it even smaller but with more features. !!

All improvements will be welcomed.

It will be good if you add good night vision independent from the fact that there is or not outside lights.

My experience with your Customer Service has been very satisfactory.

Keep on doing your good job. !!


I already made a comment on how much I like this Company and mostly the Cam V3.

I would like to add that it would be great if the company can increase the capacity of the cloud to keep the recording for a longer period of time. It could be at least 4 to 6 weeks or even longer.
Thank you.

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The only real annoyance I have across multiple cams, outlets, bulbs, and vacuums is that person detection on my Wyze cam V3 during the afternoon/night is terrible. I can stand right in front of the Cam at night and nothing about 50% of the time. This would be ok except I pay each month essentially only for this one feature. It also means my outside lights (also wyze) donā€™t turn on so I get to unlock my door in the dark.

The robot vacuum has remnants of whatever firmware you started with as it sometimes calls the dustbin a 2 in 1 dustbin/mop. Kinda ruins the illusion itā€™s a Wyze product and not a rebadge.

However, Iā€™ve been with you since 2018 with the $20 v2 (most are still rocking) so good luck. Also though, Matter compatibility is going to be more important soon. No one is going to want to buy a bunch of cameras/tech that are instantly out of date when Amazon/Google/Apple finally allow Matter cams into their ecosystems.

If Wyze could do one thing with Cameraā€™s in 2023 it would be to make the Wyze Cam 3 an outdoor weatherproof camera.

I have had to replace everyone I have had more than once that I have outside due to rain just getting in the camera after 9 months or so. They just arenā€™t designed to work in wet environments that we have here in eastern Canada. The camera is not covered in SNOW or anything just exposed to rain and high winds and they always have to be replaced (thankfully at no cost to me) every 9 months or so.

I am very thankful that Wyze support keeps replacing them but I would rather just have ones that donā€™t fail.

If they did solve that problem my next wish would be to make a version of the Pan and Tilt that was outdoors.

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We have 180 degree rotation under advanced options for years. Mine is still working on Wyze Cam V3. What one is it not working on?

V2. It was after a firmware update. It got two of my cameraā€™s by the time they stopped the update. Its been over a month and its not fixed yet.

Totally agree. Why reach for PLUTO when there are ISSUES on Earth! A bunch of stuff needs fixing on existing products!

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Totally agree.

Hey Brian

Was it (December 7, 2022)  that borked it?

Iā€™m hanging back a few versions, hadnā€™t heard of this.


Ah, outdoor cam. :point_down: Thanks!

No it was

I would like to see a desktop app that would allow live monitoring of multiple cameras.


@pattenbrian is not firmware for the Wyze Cam v2, that is firmware for the Wyze Outdoor Cam v1. There is currently a firmware in beta that fixes the 180 issue which should be releasing very soon.

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9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Feedback about Wyze

Here is my Feedback.

Folks, I have been a customer of Wyze since 2020. I have had so many issues with their product. I can tell from the changes so far that the owners of this company are chasing big bucks. They are not producing products for quality. Quality is deficient. They keep introducing new products every few months to add to their low-quality products. I am unsure why they canā€™t focus on the previous products and improve them instead of making a new portable Vacuum cleaner or smartwatch. I bought Wyze products for security around my apartment. Their sensors are garbage, and the light bulb system is of shallow quality. I have constantly had issues with sensors turning the lights. Most of the issues arise when Amazon AWS has issues. The owners will bankrupt this company shortly. I donā€™t think they are making a ton of profit at the moment. I will remove all their products and say goodbye to this mess. Customer service is deficient. You can not get a human over the phone. Their hype buyers are the ones who droll for the newest low-quality product and can easily be brainwashed by the hype. I opened a ticket this morning and have yet to get a response backā€”trouble customer service. Wyze will keep adding new products, and quality will continue declining. They used to be a decent budget product and nowadays are dollar store quality. Buy their product at your own risk, and when you have problems, good luck getting support.

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