3DPrint Model: Duo Doorbell Skin

I realize that individuals are wanting different colors for the Duo Doorbell. I decided to create a 3D Model as a skin for the doorbell. The Yellow is my work in progress and the White is the final version.

Duo Doorbell Cover

MakerWorld: https://makerworld.com/en/models/922454#profileId-884787
Printables: Wyze Duo Doorbell by spumoni | Download free STL model | Printables.com



I’m just waiting to see someone make a glow in the dark cover, and I’m here for it. :slight_smile:

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LOL - I can print you one… :slight_smile:

Need to get the real glow in the dark filament though

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If they didn’t already have it in all black I might do that, but I do like it in all black already. :slight_smile:

These will be really great for people in HOA’s who have Karens on the board with over-regulation requiring special colors for everything in the neighborhood.

I have white siding. I printed the White one for my house so it blends in. Wife likes it better. :slight_smile:

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