3.1.5 b566 memory question

App 3.1.5 b566
Android 14
Samsung S21 Ultra

I am posting this as a new topic as it may or not be an issue. Hopefully someone with first hand knowledge can comment.

A few betas ago my android phone barked at me and said the wyze app was using to much memory. I looked and the Wyze app was using over a gig of memory. I force stopped the app and memory dropped to a more reasonable 300-400 mBytes of memory. I didn’t pursue it as I knew Wyze had been doing work on the cloud side. I didn’t notice it until b566 was posted and I updated about a week ago.

What caused me to start relooking at this was b566 seemed to work flawlessly with my 10 cameras except every 1-3 days it would seem to go into overload with - 5 and - 20006 errors. When this occurred I would immediately go to developers option > memory > memory usage. This shows a 3 hour average and many times I would see the following:

1.5 gBytes of memory seems excessive to me. I realize the app is caching a lot but even so, performing a force stop brings the average down to 300-400mBytes and all is well.

If this is expected behavior then I will be quiet. If not then there might be some memory management issues at play.

p. s Hopefully my screen shot came through. First time trying to post a screen shot.


hey @ronl4625

I apologize myself for someone else didn’t see this sooner. I also utilized an S21 at one point. I did not run into this issue.

im not on a 24 ultra, but it seems wierd that this would be an alert you are running into. that seems a bit much. Did you by chance side load this app or was it downloaded in a method that is approved of LOL

I don’t think we’ve ever had an app that used that much memory and I don’t believe it’s designed to do so. Even by today’s standards that seems to be pushing it

In doing a quick search that’s almost 10 times the memory that the average app uses.

Can you tell me a little bit about your usage habits? Do you keep this maybe sitting on your desk plugged in running the live stream constantly or something?

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100% Google play apps. No sideloading ever…

I have looked at web view for a few minutes a few releases ago.

I seldom sit on a camera unless I’m looking for something. I am retired and do look at the app anywhere from 15 - 20 times a day. I typically scrool through the cameras, check out events, update friendly faces, look at this forum.

Actually after I posted this question I decided to run a long test to see how high the memory usage would go.

My biggest issue is even though release 569 is good every so often I would get the bouncing balls and loading live view. I would do a force stop. This would
Clear the issue and when I checked memory it was a reasonable 300mBytes. What I ended up doing is splitting my 10 cameras from one group to two groups and making sure I did not restart any cameras (daily) or the phone (weekly). I’m on day 3 with no force stops. Hmmmmm, close to a new record.

So I’ve been watching the memory like a hawk. The memory seems to grow as the day wears on. Today I started to get some data. I have attached 3 screenshots of the memory at 1 DAY, 12 hours and 3 hours. This was done at approx 3pm pdt.

1 day

12 hours ago

3 hours ago

As you can see the 1 day had a high point of 2.3gBytes.

Of note. Last night as I checked one last time before bed the usage was over 2gBytes. I also felt the phone, especially the wyze app, was getting sluggish. Called it a day

Next morning I checked and the usage was in the 300mByte range and the s21 ultra felt like it’s normal snappy self.

My theory. Someone reset the wyze background in the middle of the night. It wasn’t me, or the phone or Alexa or wyze Automations. Why is my use case the only one showing up. Hmmm. It seems that doing a force stop is a somewhat recommended troubleshooting tool. Wyze app 3.xx has had its challenges and I’m wondering if more people are resetting the memory without realizing it. In my original post I noted that I would not have looked at the memory if my phone, android 14, had not barked at me that wyze was using to much memory.


that is Very peculiar. Don’t know what to make of it.

there ae Options with Samsung to optimize your memory. That’s what I turn on so it actually will alternate certain things and optimize your memory usage. I would go through there and see if you can optimize your memory usage because I think that is what’s happening, it’s acting as if it’s very intense because it’s running in the background but if you optimize the memory using the ui for the phone you can still run it in the background and not run into this issue I believe.

Check your settings on memory optimization and see what you have there. That’s the only thing that I can think of that may be having this type of effect


Good ideas but I have been through the battery and memory settings many times. With the current 6. 1 UI about all the user can do is adjust the processing speed (optimize, high, maximum). I have tried all 3 setting and see no change in memory. I think all these settings do is adjust the cpu clock speed.

The only other user adjustment I can see is Ram Plus. Using disk storage as virtual memory. I have never used this as it was not needed (12gBytes in the s21 ultra). For grins I have turned it on (6gBytes) just to see what wyze does.

I’m still leaning toward there is an issue with the app. No other app on my phone comes even close to this memory usage.

If I’m an outlier and have some wierd combo causing this so be it.

If any forum member could check their memory usage and post a reply I would appreciate it.

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All of my Samsung devices are playing nice with memory. This one has been running Wyze app v3.1.5.569 under Android 14 and One UI 6.1 for 3-4 days straight:

And from a Samsung tablet running same, live streaming a group of 4 Cam v4s for a week straight:


I’ve been lurking and following with interest. I have checked mine a few times since seeing your post.

Search your model for app memory leaks and read some of that for feedback. I found some hits at Reddit etc.

Same amount of user usage as to viewing cameras etc. About 12 cameras.

But in my S23 Ultra minimal memory usage. Today so far it’s 106Mb. Wyze app .569.

I’m also quite familiar with the phone settings etc.

Unfortunately I don’t have a recommendation to fix other than you could try a complete cache partition clean. Directions about half way down the page.

Caution in there, you can accidentally wipe the phone by mistake.

If it were mine, I’d be tempted to clean and delete the app first, then clean the cache partition. May not help anyhow. Then restart and reinstall Wyze app. I do that often enough Beta testing Samsungs new UIs etc.

The last would be the extreme and only as a last resort. Or never. :joy: Completely backup, Reset and restore.:grimacing: PC or cloud as backup with Smart Switch I guess.

Probably some good trade in deals around Black Friday is another option.

I had an S21 long ago but my old memory fails me and I didn’t have any Wyze at that time anyhow.

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@Bam @Seapup @G2740

Thanks for sending me into a field of rabbit holes​:rabbit::joy:.

The past 48 hours have been an eye opener. As stated earlier if I’m an outlier with a weird combo then so be it. I’m believing this to be true.

A bit about methodology. As suggested I have looked at everything related to memory, uninstalled wyze app, did a system cache wipe, reinstalled wyze app.

Developers Options > Running Services > Wyze was monitored approx every 10 minutes and noted. Approx 30 data points were noted. The memory started at 300mBytes and after 11 hours run time was 1.1gBytes. What caused this and why?


Under normal circumstances Running Services shows Wyze app with one process and spawning 1 service.

This is my most important observation. If you do ANYTHING in the app,
Viewing a camera
Clicking on devices
Clicking on events

The Wyze app opens another 5 or 6 processes from Google.

I am estimating that over the 11 hours of runtime this has happened 100’s of times. Each time it happens it adds a few hundred mBytes to the Wyze app memory. This typically last for 10-60 seconds then disappear. Once during the test one of these processes got stuck and I had to force stop the wyze app to get rid of it. After these events the wyze memory would revert back to almost where it was but sometimes would be a bit higher. These bit highers added almost a gByte to the wyze memory over 11 hours.

Bottom line. I have no idea why or what Wyze is calling Google for. Without this understanding there is not much I can do. I see there is a new wyze app update coming. I’m going to get out of this rabbit hole :rabbit::rofl: until the updated app appears. Meanwhile I will resign myself to doing a force stop a couple of times a day.


It’s called a memory leak. see Preventing and detecting memory leaks in Android apps - LogRocket Blog

Maybe it happens on ios too, i have always force quit my apps after using so do not see it.

You identified a workaround: force quitting your app. You could try installing a dns blocker that disables connections to those domains and see if that helps.

see The 5 Best Ad-Blockers for Android - Tried and Tested in 2024




are you related to @carverofchoice ? He’s one of the few others that I know that cuts down to this much detail when troubleshooting and man am I jealous most times.

I must admit that I also relinquished to force closing and stopping the app occasionally but it seems to be far less than you have. I truly wondered what the difference is but sadly I don’t know of a quick solution for you.


Wow another interesting thing to add to the list of what could be someone’s issue.

I checked mine and memory use is really low on my Pixel 9 Pro XL

It won’t let me upload an image right now for some reason though…but my

Average memory use = 10MB

Maximum Use = 374 MB

Something weird is going on though. This memory leak could explain why some people have big problems.

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About an hour ago I updated to the new beta. I still see the calls to Google and memory increase.

What I am looking for is what is causing my wyze app to call Google in the first place.

My next thought is I have a few legacy wyze devices.

A few white bulbs
A wyze thermostat
A wyze sprinkler controller

These are stable and reliable.

But the sprinkler controller has what I think is a 3rd party add on called sprinkler plus. Maybe there is something there. Thinking through how to remove it as it is in production (our house, 7 zones).

Hopefully someone at Wyze reads this thread and says “oh, that’s xyz”. :scream:

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I can’t say that will happen on this particular instance, but I think the general public would be amazed at how many times employees pop in on the forums and either read something themselves or ask one of the volunteer team members if they’ve seen anything and are directed to certain posts and have had fixes come from that. The volunteer mavens work as kind of a focus set of eyes for issues in the community and we’re able to bring a certain things to light when we recognize patterns as well. As I said before I haven’t seen this widespread but maybe others aren’t as meticulous or as articulate as you are but are having the same issue. I don’t doubt with the type of troubleshooting you’ve done that one of us will use this post as a example in the future. :innocent:


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