All of a sudden Wyze android app is using a ton of battery. Have rebooted phone and no change, have not made any other changes to the app or phone. Last update was last month! Anyone else seeing this issue?
My first thought when seeing this post was to wonder what phone you have, because of recent communication I had from Google regarding the Pixel 4a Battery Performance Program. I imagine that might not be the problem, and perhaps you’ve actually narrowed the battery drain to the Wyze app itself, but I wanted to toss it out there in case that figures into the problem. I haven’t personally noticed increased drain from the Wyze app recently, but I definitely began noticing significant changes in the battery percentage that my phone reports a few days after I received that message from Google.
Thanks for the info. I have a Galaxy S24 Ultra. in the battery menu for today it shows the wyze app using almost 45% of the battery. Every other app is under 3% most under 1%!
I wonder if @ronl4625 would have any experience with this or be able to provide input on the situation. That’s one Forum member who comes to mind because of his use of a Galaxy S24 Ultra and his reporting on the app’s apparent memory use during beta tests.
A couple of questions and a couple of ideas.
Do you know how to check the memory on your phone?
Android Settings > Device Care > Memory > Memory Resident Apps. Mine looks like the following:
What is the current Wyze memory usage?
On my S21 Ultra, last month replaced by an S24 Ultra, this reading continuously grew until the Wyze app was using over 2GBytes of memory and the app became unusable. About a week ago I found a 3rd party app that can restart Wyze, same as a “Force Stop”, on a schedule. I’m still testing and in a week or so I’ll post my findings. This leak has been on going since earliest beta of the new 3x app.
But I never saw this issue cause a noticible battery drain.
The only time I’ve seen an issue with battery drain is when I was testing “Other Motion” in my backyard camera. A red flag wind warning occurred overnight. Next morning I had hundreds of events from that camera, and my battery was nearly drained. This occurred on my S21 Ultra (since replaced with the S24 Ultra).
I would check your memory as outlined above (other forum members with S21 Ultra’s have seen 150 - 300MBytes as normal).
Then see how may events have occurred in the past 24 hours. If it’s a hundred or so (depending on how many cameras you have) I would consider that in the realm of normal. If it’s WAY above that (hundreds) then try and narrow it down the where they are coming from. Weather, fog, tree branches, etc.
Let us know what you find.
p. s. See if this is transitory. Does it happen every day or so or is it a one off issue?
Is Android Battery Saver on?
Thanks for the ideas, only one app in Memory Resident apps, Bitwarden.
Wyze isn’t even on the list of apps using memory currently. I have a warning saying Wyze is high battery
Not alot of events this morning, battery saver is not on.
Good info.
Do you have Developers Options enabled. If so look at “Running Services > Wyze”. This is as close to real-time updates (every second or so) I have seen on the phone.
Back to one of my questions. Is this transitory? Are you seeing this every day or did it just start.
Restart your phone and watch it for a few days.
It only had this issue this morning, it was very weird. Phone was good at 6am then i look at about 9am and i am down to 12%! I have rebooted and will watch again tomorrow. hoping this was a one time deal! Thanks.
Good luck. Let us know in a few days.