3.0 App Beta #2 Test 7/8/2024

What you are seeing is an aspect ratio issue. The screen size and the image size are not the same size, so there are two options. Either clip top and bottom or the sides (depending on what ratios are) or add black bars to either top and bottom or the sides (again depending on the ratios). The other possibility is to squish or stretch the image so everyone looks either really fat or really skinny (nobody likes that option).
In the case of the event images, they make the image full width which results in clipping the top and bottom a little whereas during live screen, they add black bars to the left and right edges. So what you’re saying is that you would rather have the black bars on the left and right so that the entire image is visible - and it is consistent with the live view, and µSD card recordings. Off hand, I would agree with you. Note I had never noticed this since I very seldom use events for anything other than finding where to look at µSD card playback.



I just noticed that I am no longer in the wyze beta program in Google play. I rejoined and will hopefully be back on V3 soon.

I would check the Google play store and see if you still are enrolled in the beta for Wyze.

Edit: back on v3 and all seems back to normal

I am still in the Beta. May have to un-enroll/re-enroll.

I appreciate the detailed response. But I’m not sure I fully understand. On this same phone, before the first 3.0 Beta app update, this issue was not present. I know this because, since the update, I now have to drag the image up in order to see the time stamp. I do this every time I view an event now, and it’s getting old. I suppose it’s possible there were black bars at the right and left sides before, but I don’t think so…I believe I would remember that (and probably would have complained about THAT! :rofl:).

At any rate, I would rather have the option to be able to see the entire image, without scrolling/dragging. Whatever it takes to make that happen.

Also…as a side note…the date/time stamp text is often difficult to see, depending on the background against which it is displayed. Wouldn’t it be great if we had an on/off toggle for the text background that was solid or partially transparent (in a selectable color) as an option on every camera? I know that would obscure a bit of the image at bottom-right, but I’m willing to sacrifice that for significantly improved readability. Also, I wonder how hard it would be for the time stamp to “float,” so that it is always in view–even when zooming in and out.

Just wishin’… :slightly_smiling_face:

One last thing…why is the date/time stamp text so much smaller on the V4 cam? Really difficult to read unless I pinch-to-zoom.

Ok, I’m done…for now. :wink:

That part is easy. The text is the same number of pixels, but because of greater number of pixels in the image, it is a smaller percentage of the screen size. Same thing on the V3 Pro. You can see that in this screen capture. The three cameras are (top to bottom) a V4, V3, and V3 Pro.

From a technical standpoint, I get that. I kind of assumed it myself. But then I thought…it stands to reason that, if the higher resolution on my V4 (2.5K) results in smaller text at the 2.5K setting, then, surely, if I toggled the resolution to the HD or 360p settings, the text would appear larger, given the same number of pixels. But that is not the case. The text is unchanged.

Try it yourself with your V4…

What am I missing? :thinking:

Simple. The camera itself is always operating at it’s highest resolution. The lower resolution settings only affect the video sent out.

But the time stamp is in the video being sent out, it is not created by the app on the phone…
Else the timestamp would not be on the recordings on the SD card…

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Correct. Let me give an example - using fake numbers because I don’t know the actual numbers, but it will get the point across.

Let’s say for this example that the timestamp font is always 25 pixels high. If the video image is 1000 pixels tall, then the timestamp is 2.5% of the image height. However if the video image is 2000 pixels tall, then the timestamp is 1.25% of the image height. The camera sensor always operates at it’s full resolution.

Make sense?

It is always so hard to read, seems it would be better to have it be in a black box…

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Or a choice of either bottom left-right or top left-right.

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I’m still struggling…let me ask a different way…

What is the point of having the HD and 360p settings at all? In what scenario would I actually see the output video at a resolution lower than 2.5K? Where can I click to see the lower resolution output (which would, presumably, display the time stamp text larger)?

Hopefully this makes sense. :crossed_fingers:t4::slightly_smiling_face:

What is being streamed can be at a lower resolution. But the camera generates full resolution, and downgrades that full res video for lower streaming when selected lower. Also, what is recorded to a local uSD card is full resolution.

I know it is lower than that when viewed in a camera group and often when streaming to Google/Alexa.

Some people lower it on purpose though. Some do so because they have limited internet bandwidth, and some do so in order to make their recordings to the SD card last a lot longer.

Ok, we might be getting somewhere with this…

So, if full res video is output by the cam when I select the HD or 360p settings, where (in the app) can I click to see the “lower streaming” video (which would display the timestamp text larger, no?).

Even if I’ve selected 360p? If so, what’s the point? This doesn’t compute for me. I understand why a user would choose a lower resolution setting if they only have low-bandwidth wi-fi. Then, accessing the live view would work better and faster. And the connection would be more stable and reliable–the displayed video would just be less detailed (lower res).

Interesting. I never noticed lower resolution when viewing my grouped cams, but it makes sense. The images are small, so no need for high-res there (at least on my phone). When I stream to Google Home (I don’t really use this feature much) the video looks pretty much the same as it does in the app. I suppose it would be lower res if I selected 360p on my cam…but this isn’t my use case. I may test, just out of curiosity, to see if I get larger timestamp text in Google Home.

I understand that we have the option to toggle between resolution settings. I also get why some users may want to do that. Personally, I have a high-bandwidth wi-fi setup with 10 Wyze cams. Some are grouped. Some are not. All get to live view quickly, so I prefer the highest resolution setting. Except for the size of the timestamp. If setting a slightly lower resolution would give me larger time stamp text, I would consider using HD vs 2.5K, for example. But it doesn’t. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

With regard to saving space on the SD card, I guess for someone who wants to retain as many days as possible on the card before it is overwritten this would do the trick, but then their video would be of lower quality. Except that @K6CCC says (above) that this is not the case and that video recorded to the SD card is always at the highest resolution. So I guess I’m still confused. :thinking:

I really appreciate the extended discussion on this. Hope I’m not wasting anyone’s time.

Bottom line: I can’t figure out how to make the timestamp text larger. It shouldn’t be this hard…

As for changing the resolution to make the text larger…
With that thinking, then the objects in the video would also be larger wouldn’t they…:blush:
Changing the resolution that you are streaming doesn’t change the size of anything, see?
Everything is just less clear.
Less detail, same size of everything.

So resolution will have nothing to do with text size, just as it has nothing to do with the car or person size in the video.
If addressed, it would have to be a separate setting.
As the time stamp is actually recorded into the video itself, changing the setting would make it take up more of the recording that can’t be undone after the recording is made.

For now, if you want the text bigger, zoom the video, and pan over to where the text is.
Boom, it is now bigger.

The camera image (including the timestamp and the Wyze logo overlays) is generated at full resolution - ALWAYS. If you set to 360p for example, it is downcoded to a lower resolution for your stream. So the timestamp is always the same (for that camera) regardless of the stream rate.

In reference to µSD card recording, you said:

There is more on this later, but my understanding is that the cameras always record at full resolution. Remember, that you can downgrade resolution from a higher quality image, but you can’t improve the quality of a poor quality (low resolution) by upcoding it (contrary to what you see on the CSI TV shows). So it makes sense to always record the highest quality image.

Maybe I am. As I said, it is my understanding that the cameras always record at their highest (native) resolution. I have not tested that in years however…

You have no control over it. It would have to be changed in the cameras firmware.

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I have added about 10 new devices to my account and all went to the top of the list. The logic appears to be working as intended.

Just wanted to confirm all is well on my end after adding a bunch of devices.

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Thanks, but this is EXACTLY the issue I want to avoid. All the pinch-to-zoom and pan steps drive me nuts.

In my ideal scenario, the time stamp would float in the bottom right-hand corner (or a corner of my choosing) and always be visible at a constant font size, regardless of zoom setting.

And…I would have the option to add a black or gray, variable transparency background behind the time stamp to account for light backgrounds, which all but obliterate the white time stamp text.

Also, from my understanding, the camera doesn’t “see” the date/time stamp. The stamp is an overlay that I’m reasonably sure they can make any size they want without affecting the resolution (witness the Wyze logo in the bottom-left of the live or recorded view…it’s appreciably larger than the stamp).

Accordingly, I believe it’s very possible for Wyze to increase the font size for the V4 cam, independent of the 2.5K, SD, or 360p resolution setting.

I hope this helps clarify my concern.