Wyze V2 Doorbell not longer recording events or sending notifications

Exactly this. I mean the device is useless if it can’t record and report events! Wyze should ease up on creating scales and fix the damn cameras. Or at least allow firmware downgrade!


I bought the Doorbell v2 off Amazon and am having the same problems. As described by other users above, it will work fine from sometime in the evening until sometime in the morning. During the day, it will not register any motion events at all, regardless of settings. I know the optics are fine because it will record to SD card without any problems. Worse, it’s generating the motion tagging (that moving yellow box) around motion on the SD card.

I can walk back and forth in front of my camera and it won’t create an event unless it’s at night. If I delete and then re-add the camera, it works fine for a few hours, even in daylight. Then the issue returns.

Things I’ve tried:

  • Factory reset, delete, and re-add: works for a few hours
  • Set sensitivity to max: no impact other than creating a ton of false positives at night.
  • Set detection to “all”: no impact, other than a flood of nighttime false positives
  • Set detection to “smart”: no impact, other than fewer nighttime events
  • Adjusted detection zone: not only no impact, but the doorbell just seems to ignore the zone entirely.
  • Reformatted SD card: no effect
  • Rebooted doorbell: no effect
  • Reset cloud: no effect
  • Removed SD card entirely: no effect
  • Contacted Wyze support: after pasting the FAQ, the agent told me there is no known fix at this time.
  • Checked my home firewall, confirmed all IPS / IDS is disabled, confirmed all QoS is disabled, confirmed all outbound traffic is allowed out on all TCP & UDP ports, confirmed all network management other than inbound firewall is disabled: no effect

I’m using a 16V 30VA transformer in good condition. Wireless is good, and I can livestream at any time. The doorbell always chimes. I’ve used three other brand smart doorbells over the past few years without any issues. All my other Wyze cams (v2, v3, and v4) are behaving correctly.

The behavior is exactly as if there’s some rule saying “ignore everything between the hours of (morning) and (late evening)”, but there is no such rule. I’ve never used rules on any of my devices, and I confirmed there are none on the app.


This kind of behavior now has me wondering if this issue is directly related to the introduction of the WDR feature on the doorbell.

It’s worth a shot. I’m disabling WDR on my Doorbell v2, then rebooting it, and I’ll post results.

I thought that as well. I disabled iWDR on mine bit it didn’t help. Also, I did almost everything as mentioned above as well and nothing fixed the issue for me either.


Long story short, disabling WDR seemed to help a bit. A very little bit. It immediately started generating some motion events, but it completely missed me when I walked past. I confirmed it was set to record all events with sensitivity set to 50. It was repeatedly triggering on a leaf fluttering, so there’s no way it should have missed a person walking past. I made several loops undetected.


Same here. I tried everything.

I also disconnected the doorbell, waited 24 hr, then resetup. Didn’t work

Is yours having the same behavior where it seems to work overnight but not during the day?

Similar. Detection early morning and late evening is little better; definitely not 100%. I have a V3 camera points to same location. That camera detects motion but not the doorbell sometimes during those times

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Add me to the list of dbv2 users whose db have gone on strike and :joy: and decided not to perform as they have been and expected mysteriously. All is well recording to sdcard, live recordings and notifications have stopped. If I want to check activity, I have to check events or sdcard. The doorbell press notifications are still working but AI activity is nonexistent.

Hope this gets prioritized by Wyze as high level and fixed ASAP!!

You can add me to the list of users whose dbv2’s are experiencing this erratic behavior. Recording and playback for sdcard normal, db presses normal incl. notifications. No AI and live detection/motion to cloud and no notifications to phone. I also did the test walking in line of view of both front and back db’s with nothing happening, just light ring detection blinking activity.

Mine just started having the same issues today. Previously, I had set a rule for the doorbell to reset everyday to avoid this issue, but now even resetting the camera doesn’t seem to bring the event recordings or notifications back. Resetting services or resetting event recording/notifications doesn’t seem to work either.

I wonder if this is a server side problem.

I have the rule resetting both my dbv2’s daily also. So far I have not noticed any video losses from when they are ‘down’. I wouldn’t expect to recover live video that was also recorded to sdcard.

Yes, I would vote for this being a server side issue and likely AWS Wyze server.

If it’s server side, it’s only so in combination with the new firmware on your doorbell. My un-updated v2db is flawless. I think that’s pretty much established.

I’m with @sdoxsee and glad that I haven’t updated my Doorbell firmware since January, because I’m still getting the expected notifications (though sometimes when I walk out the front door, it seems like the lag between when I’m physically triggering an event and when I actually receive the notification on my phone and Watch is getting longer and longer). I hope the most recent Fix-It Friday update is an indicator of actual progress:

If nothing else, I think Wyze’s acknowledgement that it’s a current problem is a positive step.


It’s better than the nothing we’ve had since April, so I remain cautiously optimistic. However, I am concerned by Wyze’s classification of this as “not receiving notifications”. It’s not just the notifications that are missing; all the events are missing too, and only during certain times of the day.

Walking by my doorbell at 3 AM = works great
Walking by my doorbell at 3 PM = no event, but I get a slomo recording on my SD card

Hopefully this is just an oversimplification of the issue by Wyze.


This morning, 2 events for back dbv2, Both triggered the announcement, 1 event recorded to cloud & sdcard the 2nd to sdcard only. 3 hours earlier, multiple events announcements, cloud & sdcard recordings and push notifications to phone. 1 event on the front dbv2 triggered announcement, recorded to cloud & sdcard, did not push notification to phone.

Both on and the inconsistent performance is absolutely frustrating. I hope Wyze gets this resolved soon. Between the issues with the FLCamv2 and DBv2’s, future purchases are on indefinite hold.

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Those who are experiencing issue due to the firmware or later can try the latest beta which was just posted. Hopefully it will resolve your issue. Click here for instructions on how to sign up for beta.


Ok so I bought the video doorbell thinking I’d get notifications and so far I get sporadic notifications or none at all… what’s the trick?

Welcome to the Forum, @bill.hines3! :wave:

There is no trick. There are multiple topics here on the Forum that describe this problem, which seemed to be introduced with a firmware update that was released in April of this year. According to Wyze’s latest official update on that particular issue, they’re currently working on a fix:

You may wish to :mag: search the Forum and contribute to other active topics regarding this issue. This might be a good place for you to start:

Wyze V2 Doorbell not longer recording events or sending notifications

:pencil2: Edit: I marked deletions for some of my previous comments since this has been merged from a different topic.