Wyze Thermostate installation Help


So I am pretty good with electric but this is a little out of my scope. 2 pictures attached what terminals do I need to connect to the pictures have a diagram as well as the actual terminals. I am able to DC the power and such.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

This device uses T T terminals, not standard 24V logic. you will need an external power supply to run the wyze.
All of these wires/connections are 120+ volts Do not connect your thermostat to any of them.

These are your thermostat terminals They are low voltage, but not able to power a smart thermostat.

See the diagrams here for more info:

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So can whats the best way to provide power. Maybe off an outlet or the master switch (I have a service switch above the boiler). And use the provided wyze terminal to knock it down without blowing it?

No, you need to buy a 24v C adapter transformer. The included adapter will not give you a 24v supply from a high voltage source, it is for traditional furnaces that have an accessible 24V transformer in them. Your transformer is soldered to the aquastat, and the 24V voltage terminals are not directly accessible.

I’m assuming you only have 2 wires in your run to your current thermostat? You need to power the wyze from a 24VAC C adapter that is plugged in near the thermostat. unless you are able to run more wires.

Example of the proper type of adapter: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L4DN5R2
Unfortunately, with 2 wires, you will have to plug that adapter in somewhere near your wyze and run the wire up the wall to it. Connect the adapter’s wires to Rc and C and the red and white wires that run to your boiler to the Rh and W1 wires. Tell the wyze in the app that you have Rc, C, Rh, and W1 wires and it should work with your system.