The Wyze app allows me to select Home or Sleep icons on the Sensor configuration in Thermostat setup. I expect that the thermostat would use the sensors corresponding to the mode that the thermostat is set to. If in Home mode, the thermostat would use the sensors designated as Home and when in Sleep mode, the thermostat would use sensors designated as Sleep. This isn’t the case, Do I understand how this is suppose to work incorrectly?
That is how it works. The only addition to the sensors is the physical main T-Stat. So you need to include all of the sensors plus the main T-Stat.
Can you post some pics of what you are seeing? Basically, what the temp is for home to include the temp of each Sensor + the Main T-Stat.
Thank you for your helpful response.
The Home and Sleep icons on the sensors are only visible when in Motion-Sensing Comfort mode. Perhaps the thermostat uses the sensors when motion is detected without consideration to Home/Sleep mode.
I’ll try covering the sensors and enabling Motion-Sensing Comfort mode and seeing how it behaves.
Alternatively, if the API had an endpoint where I can add/delete sensors to comfort control, I could setup a cron job to modify it 2 times a day.
What I did, when I used the T-Stat was to not use the Motion Sensing Comfort. Then I set the Home and Sleep and included whichever sensors I wanted in each.
I got the best results when I included the sensors in each Home and Sleep mode. I don’t use Away. Disabled the Motion sensing. I also set mine for maximum comfort, did not worry about the savings.
What confuses me is the Not Included in Comfort Control. Seems like you added the sensors but did not fully add them in the comfort control.