Wyze Thermostat: A good start, but why such a limited set of min/max temperatures?

Thank you, Wyze, for so many great products—I own many of them, and they are really great!

Recently, I bought your thermostat to decrease the electrical bills at my investment house. Overall, I think it’s a great start, but to manage guests efficiently, we need a way to limit the range of temperatures they can set. For example, we need to prevent them from setting it to 59°F in cooling mode and turning our house into a fridge, wasting tons of electricity on cooling it.

I feel I could achieved this via “Safety Temperature” option, but for some reason the minimal one is just 50F. Could you please allow users to set the minimal temperatures to any value they want (as in Ecobee thermostats).

Welcome to the Forum, @igor.podkhodov!

Your post seems like it should be a Wishlist request, so I looked for a relevant topic and found this…

…but I think what you’re requesting is different enough that perhaps it should be in its own Wishlist topic. For reference, here’s how to use the Wishlist

I’m flagging your post to see if one of the Moderators wants to reclassify it as either a new Wishlist item or merge it into an existing topic. I appreciate the detail you used in describing your use case, and it totally makes sense to me to add this as a feature, even though I don’t (yet) use Wyze Thermostat.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Wyze Thermostat - Expand range of minimum and maximum Safety Temperatures