I purchased a wyze camera, it ended up having a lot of issues where it was turning on and off. Wyze was kind enough to offer a replacement got here today and I hooked it up I’m still having the same issues. It’s repeatedly turning on and then off again. Does anyone happen to know if a memory card issue could be causing this issue. The memory card that I am using had absolutely no problems in the regular wyze camera. Both my regular wireless camera and pancam are hooked up to the same internet. The memory card is a 32GB wyze micro SD card.
Hi, @Danielb. Welcome to the community! Does the camera turn off and on without the mSD card? I would give that a try. If it is the card causing the on and off issue, the Cam Pan should work properly without the card. If it continues to turn on and off, then it isn’t the card.
Hello, I am trying that out now and I haven’t heard it turn off and on yet. So I suspect that is the issue. I wouldn’t have a problem if I could review footage without a card but sadly that’s the purpose of my purchasing it. I have ordered two new 32 GB cards from amazon. Hopefully when they get here Friday it fixes it.
Great! Sounds like Cam Pan is ok then. I use these Pro High Endurance cards and I highly recommend them. I haven’t had any issues out of these so far.
My pan turned on and off a lot with my SD card once… Then I took the day card out and it stopped. But then it rebooted again the other day so I’m not sure what the issue is. This thread has some ideas.
Well, I’m at a loss. I got a brand new 32 g micros sd card today. Put it in my wyze cam and a few minutes later it was back to turning on and off. I guess I just cant review footage from this and have to use it as a camera to check in on things at the house. Have to go with my original plan of making a always rotating base for my regular camera. I’m very bummed this is such a huge problem and will prevent me from purchasing any other loan cams in the future.
I have the same issue. I have a new Cam PAN and it has the latest firmware ( If I put a SD card in it, it constantly freezes and restarts. It works fine without the SD card. I tested with 3 different SD cards, 2 of them are 32GB and 1 is 16GB. All three cards are working well in a Cam V2.
Could this be a firmware problem or I should request a replacement of the PAN camera.
firmware doesn’t have the SD card causing non-stop restart problem. Motion tracking is still not working thought.