Wyze is a Chinese Company ( Discussion Continued)

I know this was probably passed down from somewhere else on the internet, so please don’t think I am putting the blame for this on anyone in particular. A lot of it is likely misunderstandings passed down through something like that telephone game until people really believe the misunderstandings, but I do have to say that almost everything being passed on in this post is misrepresented.

Hualai is only ONE of Wyze’s suppliers. This would be similar to saying Walmart is owned by Frito-Lay because Walmart sells Dorritos. Or that the company who built your home is owned by Lowes or Home Depot because they got some lumber or sheetrock there, even though they got other supplies from other businesses too.

Hualai did not make the Headphones, or the scale, or the robot vacuum or the watch, or surge protector, or lock, or memory card, sprinkler, etc, Hualai is ONE of the major manufacturers they contract with to make hardware for them, but they do not own Wyze and they have nothing to do with several of Wyze’s other products.

As a business owner, I have done business with several other companies in various ways. None of them owned us, and we didn’t own them. Some we did A LOT with, and some we did a little bit with. We didn’t have a relationship of parent company, or subsidiary, or even partnership or anything like that. We weren’t related to each other in any way like that. We simply had a relationship of "I pay you to make or do this one thing or x things for me, and then I use that however I want for my other business relationships or consumer relationships. Nearly EVERY business works this way. If this is something anyone is opposed to, then you basically can’t ever interact with ANY business.

If you want to see who some of Wyze’s other suppliers are, you can look here:

As for TUTK, Customer provided the best information. Basically, TUTK does nothing but establish the initial P2P connection (then is no longer involved), it never gets a video feed or anything. They don’t get any data that matters…

However, if even that is too much, and a company can never contract anything out except their own in-house options, then such a person would need to get rid of EVERYTHING digital with internet connectivity. There are experiments with people creating VPNs to fully block out all direct and indirect connections to just the major tech companies everyone loves to hate: Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. and run their lives without them. Turns out they could hardly use any company or any internet because directly or indirectly nearly every company has some association with other companies who get “data” of some sort from those business relationships. They tried blocking those companies out of their life for a month individually, then all of them together. It was basically impossible unless they just wanted to go offgrid and offline for a month. It was pretty close to that.

My point is that we should not be surprised if Wyze or anyone else contracts out little things that don’t matter. TUTK and other things aren’t getting our private data or video feeds or profile information. You can’t go to any other competitor and not have the same problems. Every tech company has partnerships with other companies to do specialized things for them, that doesn’t mean anything important or secure or private is being exposed.

There is no need to try to stir people into a frenzy of fear and panic over things that being very much misrepresented for drama and excitement, or from simple misunderstanding. Wyze IS the parent company of themselves, they have business relationships with other companies just like nearly any successful company, they pay people to manufacture and supply them with hardware and they customize their own firmware and do a lot of other stuff with it. Wyze maintains control of their own firmware and connectivity, not Hualai, or China or anyone else. I am glad that not everyone likes Wyze because it keeps competition in the market. I very much support people choosing and supporting other competitors too for this reason…just don’t naively assume any other company is absolutely 100% in-house only with no other business relationships or any data ever involved with contractors or other businesses in some ways. Even mega-corps like Google and Apple and Amazon have had contractors they hire leak info about them, such as how their AI assistants spy on us, and record stuff and are accessed by people who are not even employees of their company (and could technically even be downloaded and sold by them to anyone). Seriously, Wyze is no less secure than basically any other company you could do business with. Even the most high security in the world like the NSA gets things leaked by contractors or employees.

Just take your own reasonable precautions and try to live life the best you can without panic and obsessiveness and life will be awesome.

EDIT: In a comment farther down the thread I post a response directly from a Wyze Employee on this subject. I am now going to copy it here into this post as well so people just starting to read this thread can read an official Wyze response right away without having to sort through all the extra unofficial opinions first: