Wyze Filtered View, If I could only SAVE multiple Filtered Views

The first thing I do every morning, I check my camera’s in the Backyard for activity around my Rat Traps, to see if I scored any Kills.

  1. I open the Wyze App on my iPhone or iPad Pro
  2. I select “Events”
    a. “Person” & “Motion” are visible, but not ‘active’
    b. I have 22 Cameras, I see 19 Selected
    c. I select the 'Filter" icon in the upper right.
    d. I select “Clear All”
    e. I scroll down to the “South Rodent Cam” and select it
    f. I scroll to the " Rodent Cams System Cam" and select it.
    g. I select the Backyard Coyote Rodent Snack Cam" and select it
    h. I select the North Rodent Cam
    I. I then scroll through my multiple camera’s to the Cam Plus Only Filters and select the Pet, Barking, Crying, Gunshot, Glass Breaking, Talking, as well as the Motion & Sound Filters.
    j. I select Show Results.

I now have all the filters listed above that I can Easily toggle off/on as needed for the Cameras I have selected.

At this point, It should would be a MUCH DESIRED feature to SAVE this Filtered View, because I get to do those same steps EVERY MORNING when I go to check those four camera’s for activity from the previous Night.

I was really hoping the rewrite of the Wyze App would include the feature.

Perhaps the Next Version of the Wyze App?