Wyze Doorbell V2 connectivity issues for ringing

I looked for a bit on the forum and couldn’t find anyone with an issue quite like mine. Ive been using the doorbell v2 for about 5 months now. One of the issues ive encountered is that every few days the doorbell goes to a flashing yellow/orange indicator and pressing the button no longer triggers the alexa rountine for the doorbell being rung as well as it no longer rings the doorbell v2 itself. What is unique is that the camera still has full connectivity via the app and webview as well as full notifications for the doorbell itself being rung. If i restart the camera via the app the problem goes away for a few days again and returns. I have looked into getting a wifi range extender to see if that fixes things however I question if that is the issue considering the other connectivity the camera still has.

Welcome to the Forum, @kyle4! :wave:

Usually I would think this is an indication that your Doorbell has lost its connection, but then you tossed this wrench in there:

I don’t have an explanation for that at all. I know that some recent firmware updates for Video Doorbell v2 have been directed at fixing bugs with notifications and connectivity, and my understanding is that there’s a firmware version specifically for connectivity issues that hasn’t yet been widely released, but I haven’t seen an experience like what you described.

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