I have two color bulbs on either side of my driveway. I would love to have one be red and the other green. I can do that, but I would like them to swap colors every 5 seconds so they just flip back and forth from red to green. This would be great for Christmas but I can’t figure out how to do it. I would like them to do this from 5pm to 8am every day.
Any help is appreciated!! Thanks in advance experts!!
Welcome to the forums! You’d have to make multiple rules to change the colors at those intervals. There isn’t a real easy way to do it. If you make the interval longer, you’d have less rules to make 
Ok. I’m ok with multiple rules, but how do I get rules to repeat in order like a loop? I can make them do what I want but don’t know how to make those rules repeat over and over. Is that possible???
Thanks for your reply. I’m excited about home automation and eager to learn!
In the Wyze ecosystem, rules don’t have that logic yet. They have a start time (and an end time if you set it). For my home automation I have about half wyze rules and the rest are Alexa routines.
Ok, thank you for trying to help. I’m a Google home guy currently so I don’t have the Alexa automation. The only Alexa I have is the app on my phone so I can talk to my in laws on video calls.
I don’t know if Google home has that type of feature either. I’ve heard people use IFTT but I haven’t used that either so not sure if it has loops???