Wyze Cameras and SD Card Problems in General

I have 10 Wyze cameras, seven V3 and three Flood Pro cameras and I have experienced problems accessing the SD cards on all of them. After troubleshooting these problems over a period of several months, I have good reason to believe that the problems people have with the SD cards will be related to the device they are using to access the card and not the SD cards themselves. So, I suggest you try a different device before you first conclude that the SD card is the problem. I am not saying that your particular problem won’t end up to be with the SD card itself, Here is the background for why I am saying this:

First post, Nov 2024 “Error Code -17” Link: https://forums.wyze.com/t/error-code-17/315973/47

  • Users were reporting problems accessing the SD card and live video. on Flood Pros and Battery Cam Pros using iPads (iPhones were working fine). iPads having trouble were: iPad 4th generation, iPad 9th generation, iPad 7th generation, iPad Air 3rd gen, . iPads NOT having trouble were: iPad 2nd gen, iPad Air 4, iPad Pro 5, Androids: OK. Wyze resolved the problem in December 2024, however, that is when the problem with my V3 cameras started, described next.

My post on Jan 28, 2025: "Wyze Cam V3 App crashes when viewing SD card playback. Link: https://forums.wyze.com/t/wyze-cam-v3-app-crashes-when-viewing-sd-card-playback/322390

  • Problem (with all seven V3 cameras) - I can access the SD card, click on the “View Playback” button, change the date to the day before and the video shows the timestamp for that date and is playing without a problem. However, when I tried to move forward or back through the video, the app would quit, essentially crashing. This problem was occurring on my 7th gen iPad AND my iPhone 13. After my last experience, it seemed more likely that it was a device problem, so I began testing other devices to see if it was having the same problem. All the other devices I tested worked fine: Android phone, iPad Pro 1st gen, iPhone 8. I suspect that someone else with an iPad or iPhone that does not work will eventually report this same problem. As of this date, Wyze has not resolved this problem.

Just wanted to share in case having this information helps someone else dealing with any camera and an SD card. It is possible it might not be the SD card that is the problem. Testing with another device, most likely an Android, will help you troubleshoot further.

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Not to say there’s nothing wrong with the SD card drive, but to imply that another device on the LAN is the cause, that’s not believable.

I have issues accessing SD card when I go to the app and click as card is just not working fine I don’t see the scroll green bar if I scroll to events it takes forever or the video never loads is like not recording continuously…compared to my other pan v3 I see everything load correctly and works.

I understand if you are skeptical that it could be the device you are using to access the SD card. I have demonstrated the problem here and I believe it clearly shows the problem is with the device you are using to access: https://youtu.be/m9E3We15rsg

The same thing is happening with all my V3 cameras.

I had the same problem and realized it was the VPN router I was using that caused this because I had two other Flood Pro cameras that were not on VPN routers and they were working fine. I was ready to buy a new camera, but once I moved the camera to a non-VPN router, the problem went away. Good luck.

That is not what I said in this post. I said it was not the SD cards in my post regarding V3 cameras and the particular problem I was having. In this post I said if you are having problems with an SD card with any camera and you can’t seem to resolve it, for instance by trying multiple SD cards, you should also test another device to access as it could potentially be the problem. If you have multiple cameras behaving the same way, it becomes more likely that that the device you are using to access the cameras is the culprit. I am not sure why you would find it unbelievable that the device used to access could be the culprit - I think you are assuming that the device has direct access to the camera through a LAN (Local Area Network) and does not go through the Wyze technical infrastructure. Since I am able to access the cameras from a different country, I don’t make that assumption as often, I am not using a LAN to access the cameras. However, for the Youtube demonstration I posted in this thread today, the iPads I used to access the SD cards were on the same LAN as the camera and I still experienced the problem with a 7th gen iPad but did not have the problem with the 1st gen iPad Pro. If you watch the video, you will see this is clear. This leads me to believe that Wyze does not distinguish its technical infrastructure between LANs and WANs and all access to the cameras travels via their network in order to make them accessible to you from anywhere in the world.