Wyze Cam v4 Ideas

V3 Pro Power Entry Re-Design to prevent water intrusion

I love all the features and resolution of the V3 Pro camera… the only physical problem I have is the power entry of the new camera is unlike the V3 standard and has.

I’ve already had one camera fail due to water damage through this poor design. Others appear to as well V3 Pro - water intrusion - #10 by jdawson.nf

This is an excellent camera, I just don’t think the ones I bought are going to last long-term because of this fatal design flaw.

I had this same problem… In my case the camera is mounted right-size up, and I have a drip loop with the power cable before entry… However, I think since this version of the camera does not have the separated power cable / pigtail off the back with additional rubberized protection for the Micro USB connection, water came in that way. Camera repeated ready to connect, I paired it, it might stay active for an hour or so and died. I brought it indoors and put it in a sealed container with rice for a week, and put it over a furnace grate so it would get some warm air, that did not help.

Wyze did replace it under warranty, but I think there’s a fatal flaw with the power delivery of this camera compared to the other outdoor rated models… I would suggest a redesign on the power cable entry. Eventually the warranty of the unit will expire and Wyze won’t replace it… Please improve the design of power entry to the V3 Pro.