Just checking on status of battery trickle charge on my vehicle. I was expecting that the 2.5k resolution of v4 would show me if red or green light is flashing on the trickle charger.
This worked fine with the OG cam in garage for my wife’s car at a slightly closer distance from cam.
Suggestions? Or it is what it is …
The OG is lower resolution … the trickle charger is at about same distance as the sign in side wall which is readable on OG cam …
The v4 uses a higher compression ratio to try to keep the bandwidth about the same as the 1080P cams, but generally on a still shot without motion, that shouldn’t have a huge impact. When you are viewing the stream, does it say it is at 2.5K? The v4 is known to switch to 360P when it senses wifi connection issues or if you leave the app open and switch to another app (when you come back in it switches to 360P for some reason). So double check that.
However are you comparing the car inside to the one outside? If so, the light is going to be much easier to see when there is less ambient light like in the garage. I suspect if you were to swap the two cams, the OG would also not be able to see the light outside during the day.
1080P is 2K, so you also have to keep in mind that 2.5K isn’t a huge jump up in resolution. 2.5K is just another name for 1440P
Thanks for your insights on this.
Yes, I have confirmed that the V4 is in a 2.5 K mode. And agree re: resolution & lighting.
So it appears that it is what it is
Yeah when I move my pan cams around you can see them constantly adjusting for the amount of light in view. So I’m guessing the brightness of the LED outside just isn’t different enough from the ambient light for the cam to be able to differentiate.
OG Telephoto might be able to do it, or just check the status after dark