I have created an automation script that turns the power on on an outdoor plug when my Cam v3 detects human movement.
I can see a little yellow warning sign in that automation script but I see nothing (warning / explanation) as to what is wrong. The automation script seems to work though.
Anyone has an idea of what could be going on here?
If you took that screenshot from the Wyze iOS app, it’s a visual bug. If you kill the app and restart it, the warning icon will probably disappear. Did you specify a “turn on for x time” in your automation or just simple “turn on”?
Hi, I have set a turn on for X time.
I have just noticed a message about time overlaping which doesn’t make much sense in my opinion but could that be related to the warning icon?
No, that overlapping message is just a confusing informational note. The yellow alert icon is displayed because the “turn on for x time” action has an iOS app display bug where “25minutes” is not a valid numerical value codewise. It should read “25 minutes” (note spacing difference).