Wyze Cam v2 and Wyze Cam Pan Firmware Released! 11/15/19

Quick update, I removed the SD card from the camera and it upgraded to the latest firmware perfectly.

Odd, but you are not the first I have heard that solution from. Glad it worked for you!

When my cams were new, IIRC they prompted new firmware was available and to remove the SD card prior to updating. I forgot to remove the card from one cam - update failed. But then some cams without an SD card also failed once or twice - then updated. Seems inconsistent.

I have since updated cams remotely without removing the SD card which worked fine.

Wyze troubleshooting Step #2 says to remove the SD card.

Firmware failed to update

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Difficult to impossible with remote cameras.

I’m curious if disabling the local recording while trying the firmware upgrade may help. I don’t know for sure if it would, though.

I followed this procedure and it can be done remotely. Using the app, first I formatted the SD card. Then I restarted the camera and made sure the card showed the format was completed by checking the amount of data written to it (mostly cleared). Then I ran the firmware update, one camera at a time. Each update was successful.


For what it’s worth I always update all of my cameras, 9 V2’s and 1 Pan, all with SD cards all using continuous recording with no issues. I do have 1 camera daisy chained to another and those 2 I update 1 at time. The others I update from the firmware update page.