Wyze Cam Outdoor - Can Be Easily Stolen

Just installed my first wyze cam outdoor out in the front porch. Very surprised that the camera itself is only attached by a magnetic unit. What stops someone from coming up to my door and grabbing it and running away with? Regardless of whether they can use it or not they will steal it and then worry about using it. Extremely shocked that there is no screw behind the camera unit (even though there us a golden screw hole, not sure if thats for a tripod or something). I have almost all of wyze’s products and this lack of security feature was very shocking to me.

Also, why are there two sd card slots, one in the base and another in the camera itself (will have to
research that on my own)?

Install the camera out of reach. No different than any other camera. Shaking my head…

Yes the 1/4-20 screw is for tripod or other attachment. Some have suggested using a tie wrap around camera.
Yes there are threads on the 2 uSD slots.

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No different than any other camera? What outdoor camera you know installs with just a magnet? So let me install it so high that I can only see the person from a bird eye view (or rather not see him at all)… An average person can easily grab the camera from 8-10 ft height by jumping and extending their arm fully out. Not really convenient.

IT seems the people happy with the WOC use it for nature recordings, security not so much.

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Dr. Know, tie wrap seems like a good temporary solution, thanks for bringing it up.

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You know you don’t have to install with a magnet. Use your brain and you’ll figure out how to hard mount them with a fastener. If you can’t figure it out then you probably shouldn’t have them in the first place.

Get a different mount if your worried about theft. Something like this:


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We bought the outdoor camera and literally the ties that come with the camera makes it harder and if you keep it just out of reach - problem solved.

Would be great if Wyze enabled the same provisions that exist for Amazon firesticks. I can’t see the police wasting time to chase down a $20 camera theft but would be great to be able to report it stolen via your Wyze account and permanently disable it from future use on a different account.