WYZE bulb / HomeKit

Let me guess, another product that ignores HomeKit?

Of course, with the plethora of cheap HomeKit bulbs out there, what is the main draw from the WYZE bulb, here?

Warm and fuzzies buying from a company that ignores their HomeKit users?

I mean, the forum doesn’t even have a HomeKit tag. Do the math.



HomeKit users just pay more for all the stuff offered. Keep passing. :slight_smile:


Cute. HomeKit users also get their systems to do more and work seamlessly with other products and manufacturers. IKEA Homekit 100 lumens bulb costs $12.99. The AQARA switches (HomeKit compatible) cost $8-$10. I suggest you don’t comment when you don’t know what you are talking about. Thank you.


Let’s keep it friendly. :slightly_smiling_face:
Just add HomeKit to the wishlist or vote on it if its already there.


My draw would be i don’t need Homekit

Well, that’s wonderful - then this topic isn’t for you. See how that works?


You ask what the ‘draw’ is, along with your snarky comments.
Then lash out anyone who gives their point of view. Does this make you feel superior?
I bet you get beat up on the playground.
Maybe this product isn’t for you. See how that works?

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‘draw’, in context, is ‘what is a differentiator?’

Don’t need Homekit? That’s great. Enjoy the product. Again, then this topic isn’t for you.
Don’t see me jumping into your Google or Alexa threads, thumbing my nose at your preferences or posting off-topic in threads of your interest?

See how that works?


Hey, folks. HomeKit is a high priority for some folks and it makes sense that there are strong feelings about this. Please keep the Community Guidelines in mind.

@hzink, we aren’t ignoring HomeKit. There has been a technical discussion with the HomeKit team about what we are able to do with them. We want to have a HomeKit integration but that may not work with the cameras at this point. I know that we’re talking to them about the possibility of other products having the integration but I don’t have further information at this time. I know that you’ve probably been to the Wishlist topic already but that will be the best place to track progress of this discussion.


I’m following the Wishlist Topic. I don’t see a really informative update from Wyze since about April 1st. Frederik posted a few comments after 4/1 but can we get a more comprehensive read out of where things currently stand?

For example, did Apple grant the exception for the 2nd stream resolution?

My house is Homekit based, I’ve casted my vote but I bought a Wyze cam because the buzz has been that good so kudos to you and the team. I think it is an amazing product, especially at the price but not just because of it. I could pay double for a Wyze cam if it had Homekit and still you would be cheaper by a mile than anyone else with a Homekit camera.

Thanks Gwen, I’m toggling back to Wishlist now. :slight_smile:

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We’re still in discussion about that. At this point, we have not been given the exception. Sorry I don’t have more news for you yet, Jazzer!


You guys have a HomeKit team? As someone who really wants HomeKit integration to be added to your products did I miss something? I didn’t think any of your products had HomeKit. How do I add it?

No, we don’t have a HomeKit team. We have a team member that has been working with the HomeKit team to figure out if/how we could get HomeKit compatibility with Wyze products but we don’t have any integrated at this point.


Hi, is there any update on HomeKit support?

No, not at this point. Thanks for checking in!

This might be a difficult question to answer but is there an ETA when you expect to find out? I’d like to buy more bulbs for my entire house but can’t do so until I can confirm HomeKit support.


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I’m sorry, I don’t have that ability. Thanks for asking about it, though!

Don’t hold your breath for HomeKit support from WYZE, for any of their products. You’d be better off picking up the lightbulbs you need from IKEA, which offers excellent and inexpensive bulbs, and provides HomeKit support via their gateway and app.

IMO, we will never see HomeKit support from WYZE for any of their products, though particularly their cameras.

It’s very obvious that WYZE considers HomeKit to be an annoyance, at best, while completely lacking any forward vision regarding the future of HomeKit.

The current cameras cannot be put into Homekit due to hardware limitations. They are still looking into the sensors, bulbs and plugs

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I figured out how to control the Wyze bulbs with Siri for anyone who’s interested.Setup is clunky and not quite HomeKit but it works. You need to use both the IOS Shortcuts app and IFTTT. You have to create an IOS Shortcut for each bulb/group of bulbs and an IFTTT applet for each bulb and state. Here’s the write-up: (Note, as of IOS 13, IOS Shortcuts automatically get Siri control based on their title. I titled mine, “Turn Off The Office Light.”) Making IFTTT work with Apple’s new Shortcuts app | by Stephen Panaro | Medium. Then use the IFTTT to trigger your Wyze bulb.