Wyze Band: Feature Failures?

What’s the point of having the Band take your heart rate if there’s no accessible way to view it? The tiny screen on the band is useless. There’s a small graph in the Wyze app that shows heart rate over a 24 hour period (at 5 min intervals your heart rate would be measured 288 times in a 24 hrs cycle…). No way to use this other than guessing at what the heart rate and time are based on a graph. Apple health integration shows a single measurement for an entire 1 hr period (see photo)

It seems like the features of this watch aren’t really useful if you can’t view the data on more than just an extremely broad view. The same thing with Sleep. It’s great that the tiny screen on the watch shows my sleep over 10 hours. But that’s it. There’s no breakdown on the Wyze app or Apple Health.

Apple Health integration makes no sense. 600 steps on Band. Apple Health shows 300. I tap to see the source of the steps and the Band is there, just not reporting the actual steps. App has synced. App always running. I’ve unpaired and reset the watch and Apple Health integration and nothing is fixed. I’ve been troubleshooting for a month. Outside my Amazon return window now.

What gives? Am I missing something? Is this a lemon I have? What do I do with this now if I missed the return window?

I too have similar issues but with Google fit. Sometimes the difference in steps is off by thousands.
I find the sleep function to be particularly faulty. It counts time sitting on the counter charging as sleep. I was wearing it the other night and spent the entire night awake yet it says I had 6 hours of deep sleep. I never closed my eyes. Frustrating.