Wyze band, A sad story

So the connector just snapped off from normal use and this means I will needs a new one, that also means the data on this one won’t transfer over which is annoying.

Did it break on the actual unit or just on the band side? My band (lowercase) also broke similarly, but the real device (Band with capital B) was fine, so I swapped to a different band that goes around my wrist and it was fine.

Sorry about your Band! How old is the unit? Maybe you can get it replaced.

It looks like the clip that the replaceable watch band connects to broke off.

Sorry for not replying, It broke on the unit and Wyze handled the situation. The major problem is the data doesn’t transfer over to a new unit which Wyze hasn’t solved despite major demand for this feature.

That is correct and Wyze made things right.

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