Wyze App 3.1 Release Candidate & Floodlight Pro Firmware Beta Test 8/26/2024

I just left the Beta program. :confused:

I need the functionality of the Production app. I like being able to test new features, but when the Beta app starts losing previous version functionality, I’m out.

I agree. Updated to b560 late 8-27. This beta is a step back from 558. Cameras in favorites are unpredictable.

In 558 cams in a group loaded within 1-2 seconds. In 560 they are taking from 3-30 seconds and I’m seeing random - 5 error codes and random “Loading Live stream” freezes with all 8 of my cams.

I still think there is an issue with the cams non-stop streaming. In 558 grouped cams would stop streaming withing 1-2 seconds when screen focus left the camera. Non-grouped cams would continue streaming until the app was closed.

In b560 both grouped and non-grouped cams are streaming for up to a minute after the cam has left on screen focus. b560 is a huge step backwards.

I agree with jh006. I’m am thinking of leaving app beta just to get production release 558 back.

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b560 has changed. In my previous post I noted the connectivity issues with b560 vs 558.

Sequence of events

8-26 4pm Updated to b560. As stated earlier Favorites was almost unusable. Cleared cache and force stopped the app. No change.

8-27 1am Retested Favorites both grouped and ungrouped cameras. Favorites was almost unusable.

8-27 3am Retested Favorites. Complete change in Favorites. Both grouped and ungrouped cameras are acting the same. 1-2 second response. I have banged on scrooling through the cameras and have not seen any error codes or conditions

8-27 4am Retested Favorites. Still good.

So what happened to cause a release to go from one of the worst to one of the best over a period of 12 hours. Dirty cache some where on the path (unlikely over 12 hours) or Wyze was making changes to the cloud side of things(likely). Doesn’t matter. Going to continue banging on favorites to see how fast and reliable Favorites continues to be.

JH006—you might want to give b560 another chance.

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This morning the beta app stopped working. Nothing was loading. I kept getting “Oops, something went wrong! Please try again later.” I tried multiple times. I went back to production version and everything is working fine now. I’m guessing might be server issue.

For now I’m stopping testing the app. I’ll wait for a next update.


yes, the latest BETA has 100% Broken the app.
One has to wonder, do they test anything in the lab before releasing?
The only time I’ve ever experienced this level of incompetence is when a former employer outsourced programming to another country that “I, I , I” choose not to name.
Did Wyze do the same?

other than my Wyze Pan Cam v3 in Privacy Mode, I am not experiencing any issues with my app. I know in the past restarting the phone in iOS seemed to correct the issue.

Can you provide what you tried prior to rolling back?

Also, was this with the latest 3.1.0 (5) release or the previous beta?

First I cleared the cache and restarted the app.
Turned Airplane Mode on, waited few minutes and turned it back on.
Turned the WiFi on and off.
Rebooted router, then modem.
Deleted the app and reinstalled through TestFlight.
And, yes I restarted the phone as well.

It was the latest beta as TestFlight didn’t have a new download available.

As I said, I suspect it was server related but at this time I don’t have the time to test any further. I need both my iPad and iPhone working properly until tomorrow.

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thank. I am testing with my iPhone and seem to have no issues which is why I was asking

Yea… Android 3.1.0 (b560) blows. Lots of can’t connects and alerts not loading but if you go out and back it they load.

Not sure if it is actually app issues or if they concurrently did something with cloud interactions.

Since someone reported ios app not having issues I tend to belive it is the app.

Wyze is currently working backend issues related to this beta release.


Thank you…

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I am on iOS and was having issues. It’s not the app, it’s Wyze backend. Other people are reporting similar issues. If it was the app everyone was going to have same issues.

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We are looking into the issues being reported.

Edit: scratch that, looks like that was confirmed a cloud issue also, rolling back will not work.

We are currently fixing the cloud issues


I’m not having ANY of these issues. Everything loads. Cameras are good. Through Cell Phone or on local WiFi.

3.1.0 b560, Samsung android, I’m also having some issues mostly with Pan Cam V3’s. One Pan V3 will not open all since update, trying to open the two pan V3’s that did open a few times will lock up the app. Now seems all 3 Pan Cams affected and locks the app up.

All V4, OGs open. I’m aware they’re working on the backend also. And I’m waiting it out presently.

Update; just tried opening the Pan Cam V3’s in devices and they all opened. So may be, fixed.

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Tapping on a camera group from the favorites and devices tab are both broken on this iOS beta. It produces the following error, every single time: “Request failed”. Screenshot attached. Everything else seems to work, and the camera are loading up much faster. I cannot open any of my camera groups though.

iPhone 14 Pro
iOS 17.6.1

I cannot open groups either, from the devices tab or the favorites tab. Groups appear to be completely broken on this version.

Lol, pan cams open now, problem may have moved to cams that were working.:thinking:

I’ll just keep poking as they massage things.:person_shrugging:

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Thank you for the heads-up. My Cam Pan v3 issues are also now resolved. Same for my Events filtering issues. :+1: