Wyze app 3.0 - Released 7/24/2024

Here’s another thing I am scratching my head over:

For the widgets, WHY on earth are we forced to favourite every camera we want the widgets to be able to see? The Widgets should be able to see every camera whether or not it is favourited in the app, so that, we can simply set a widget for a cam to load to that view immediately. But now, if I want three different widgets for cams, I have to favourite in the app first. So when I load the app, it’s sucking up bandwidth trying to load them all in the favourites tab.

All of the cams are freezeing if the connect LIVE view.
My paitient is wearing thin with WYZE and all companies that “improve” user experince.

The old app worked way better, not flawless, but way better.

I am giving it 30 days and moving on to a different cam system if there is no improvement.


This forced update is full of flaws! Fire the R&D team. Bad week, first the Weather Channel webpage now this. Both state it’s what people want……….NayNay


Agreed. The only issue I have found is with the widgets. I was hoping to see a setup option within the widget

Hopefully these widgets improve with time.

I’m having this exact same thing! I can’t even get to the live feed to see what the notification was about because it ends up freezing on the Home page for 30 seconds to over a few minutes. I end up having to close the app and open it again to see if that fixes it, most of the time it doesn’t. So by the time I get the live feed to work, the motion event is long gone. Having the Home page show live video was the wrong move, Wyze needs to remove it or at least give us an option to toggle it off and view it directly with one camera, as it was before. But what they really need to do is stop shoving changes to us that aren’t needed and weren’t tested long enough to be reliable. They’re terrible at software and soon enough the term “Pulling a Wyze” will be a thing and their legacy.


LOL, TWN isn’t even being subtle about it being beta. The source shows all kinds of beta IDs and the elements keep changing position.

Now, to be just a tiny bit fair to the folks at Wyze: No one is really forcing us to use the ‘final’ releases published on the Apple Store. I mean, at least not right this instant. Sure, they might completely alienate users with shutting off support for certain devices, or yank features out from under us down the road (as in the past), but for now at least, we could just live with that red dot over the App Store app for months at a time … as the model of the App Store does not really allow users to install older versions.

Yeah, the only way I can reliably get any of my current cameras to load even close to as fast as in the previous version of the app, is to completely shut down the app, and load it fresh. Every, Single, Time.

And let’s not forget that, after opening the app, I then have to click on the devices tab, then on the camera I want to view. The new ‘favorites’ tab or ‘feature’ of the new app, simply does not work for me in any useable way.

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I didn’t think it could happen, but this morning 3.0 got even better!

I play, but am serious. My experience has not degraded at all (which counts as an improvement in the modern world.) :slight_smile:

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If @peepeep is for real, it would be interesting to know EXACTLY what’s different about their environment from everyone else’s.

In other words, let’s hear something constructive and helpful rather than the fanboy noise.

So many people are either having problems or are finding it a step backwards that one or two lone voices saying it’s great and “even better” just isn’t useful.

The issues and complaints from the vast majority of people are now well documented so IF one or two people are NOT having difficulties or think the changes are wonderful it would be very helpful to know why they are different from everyone else.

Otherwise, it’s just fanboy noise or attention seeking.

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Down with peep! He never says anything bad about Wyze. :rofl:

Don’t even look at my back pages. It’s stunning. :slight_smile:


So, you’re NOT going to do anything helpful.

Got it!

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You win. :man_shrugging::kissing_heart:

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And I thought I’ve seen it all. You got promoted, from a FrogMan to a FanBoy :rofl:

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I have been saying that same question since I joined this forum.

Why do people have problems when I do not? I have seen friends have problems, yet I do not.

We all have the same hardware and firmware. Our networks cannot be that different (excluding those with a XB7 router).

Mostly everone claims to be an IT expert with many years of experience. So they cannot be ignorant.

What is the common thread? I continue to wonder as my app and cams work great.

Definitely a puzzle. Am I lucky? Am I on a premium network?

I sit happy contemplating why.

I mainly come to this forum for the comedy. There is so much tragedy and drama here.

It distracts me from WWIII and politics. We live in a clown world, but I feel I always can come here for a laugh and escape from reality.

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Just installed app v3. Just a quick note: it seems the “Devices” tab is functionally the same as the old app. But why couldn’t it remember the last tab used? That’s a very simple thing to do.

Edit - more results

It seems it takes a little more time to connect, and a few of my cameras are now failing to connect. So I did a simple test: I closed the 3.0 app on one phone, and tried using the old app on the other phone. Everything is back to normal.

I hope I’m mistaken but it seems the “Favorites” tab is asking all my cameras to connect all at the same time, even when that tab isn’t being used.


I still haven’t received the new app, but based on other comments I’ve read, I think this is a great question. It seems like something that should be pretty basic and might alleviate a lot of disappointment many users are describing with the change.


I like it.

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Having seven Wyze cameras, with some redundant and/or in places with no activity for weeks, the “favorites” screen right off the bat is pretty sweet. If there is a question as to which camera has a source of concern, the multiple cameras at my viewing disposal makes zeroing in on the trouble spot, quicker. I haven’t dived into the other changes, but I trust the saccharin brain trust at Wyze has vetted things adequately. Or, if not, can make changes on the fly - something that Wyze is especially good at.