The turn-off camera button was hidden down two levels, and it seemed to have been removed on the Pan v3. There was no way to turn off Pan v3 except to unplug the camera. Good job, software testers!
On the Pan v3 it is called “Privacy Mode”. Powering it off is/was the same thing. On the home screen of the 3.0 app mine still show the power button but all it does it put them in privacy mode. When in the specific camera, you just use the privacy mode button.
@dave27, I have two of them in a group but don’t often have occasion to turn them off. I tried it just now from the new app’s home screen, and it’s actually kinda cool to see them simultaneously hang their heads in shame.
Welcome to the Forum, @captscott2002!
Wyze support helped me find where they moved it. If you favorite the camera it will over lay the power button on the screen in favorites but nowhere else. The power buttons were nice for outlets and switches without going into the device page.
I kind of like that on the Favorites tab, the entire Plug tile (or Plug group tile)—except for the 〉—is both the power button and power indicator for things that I would use frequently, though I think the Wyze app designers could make better use of color, like when showing which devices are “On” or “Off” on the Devices tab.
Takes a bit of getting used to. As far as I can tell, the previous device list is now split between favorites and the new device list. The functionality of the previous device list is basically on the new favorites list (with full motion video now instead of images). It isn’t ideal that you can only see a few devices on the screen now, but I had already started toying with cam groups and really like that as you can turn the phone sideways and see a full screen view of 4 cameras at once. So maybe just a matter of getting used to a new way of organizing and doing things.
I also make use of rules (now automations) to turn motion detection, notifications, etc at certain times of the day and also have shortcut buttons to do some actions.
Maybe they’ll give the option of having smaller live view (or going back to thumbnails) on the favorites screen. It is a new feature so I would hope that maybe they’ll start adding some customization to that, being able to have different size “tiles” etc.
I only have cams, not outlets etc so can’t speak to how that looks/works but I’m guessing similar.
If you want to cheer them up, set an action to reboot them all at once, so they can do a synchronized dance of joy.
It’s different, but it’s growing on me, except that the “Cameras as Chime” feature of Video Doorbell v2 appears to be completely hosed in the v3.0 app, so I’ve been ranting at e-mailing Wyze Support about that.
I don’t know if that’s the terminology Wyze uses for that interface element. I’m just using it because that’s what I’ve seen applied to other interface bits in the past, so it seems to work, I guess.
Plugs and Plug groups get a tile that’s the same size as a camera group tile, but instead of having the power button/indicator on the right side, the entire tile is the power button/indicator, so it’s outlined/highlighted in green when on. It seems pretty intuitive since a Plug is basically going to have one of two states in normal operation.
Just to see what it would look like, I added both outlets of a Plug Outdoor to Favorites, but this particular Plug isn’t currently plugged in anywhere. On Favorites, each of these two tiles has a red outline and red “Offline” text. I like the way that works and think it communicates clearly to the user.
I do that already, because of this:
I reboot all my cams once a week, helps with the Pan v3 drift (it isn’t too bad over the course of a week, stays covering the area I want it to) and just to “refresh” the others. I could do the pans every night but seeing them ram up against their physical stop for a couple seconds when they calibrate makes me think it probably isn’t great for the motor. As long as the drift doesn’t get worse, the week works for me.
Same here. I actually had my Automation scheduled nightly but then changed it to once per week after reading one of your other posts.