Word of the Day


WCO on Cam Plus with no one minute cooldown period.

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Playing with Cam Plus for the first time a few weeks ago, I discovered that sound events can only record a 12-sec clip to the cloud, with a 5-min cooldown between events. Perhaps not inconceivable but surprising!

I never tried to record a sound event. I won’t be recording much for a few days because I took down all my cams except for the critter cam for now. House painter is coming to pressure wash the exterior of the house then start painting on Monday.
I had to use the :raccoon: marshmallow funds to pay for the work. :grin:

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MFP has won your heart over so much that even when you take down ALL your other cameras, you still leave up the special :cat2: cam. :heart_eyes_cat:

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MFP loves the cam. I think I’m up to MFP event 4000 now. :sob: :sob: :sob:



Was actually thinking ‘wholesome’ with respect to the Crosby Family (nearest song above) when this one came to mind and I realized I didn’t know the meaning nor had I ever used it (because knew roughly what it meant.)

“You can fool some of the people all of the time….”


Seems like we’ve ‘progressed’ to fooling most of the people all of the time - or if not fooling at least receiving tacit agreement not to challenge. :wink:

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Nah, challenge away! I don’t know how many times I’ve told people about one of my college classes where the professor (a Methodist minister) told us that one of his goals was for us to develop critical thinking skills, what he called our “crap detector”. I think a lot of people these days could use a lot more of that.

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Good kitty! :laughing:

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Is this your prof? :wink:

Matthew Lee - AP Diplomatic Reporter

It is not, but I remember when Ned Price said that. (This is where I roll my eyes hard at the circular “reasoning”. :roll_eyes:)

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=Cats :heart_eyes_cat: :rofl: :rofl:

That one makes me think of the “Spam” sketch from Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

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We have a black and white adolescent who’s taken residence here recently. He’s springy and super-alert and jets around a lot. Seems a bit ‘feral’ when you approach him so he may become one of the free agent ‘neighborhood cats.’


Back when I was in college and my school first made Internet access available to students, virtually none of the campus was wired for the network, and we had to request accounts if we wanted it. The connection was via a bank of dial-up modems in a lab in the administration building, and the standard interface was a Slackware Linux Bash prompt, though it was possible to launch a SLIP or PPP connection from that.

Growing up playing with MS-DOS, I liked the command prompt.

This was my first exposure to Linux, so I got to learn all sorts of commands, and because the interface at that time wasn’t as easy-GUI as AOL, the pool of logged-in users at any given time was tiny, sometimes only one. Somewhere I stumbled across an ASCII art piece of a SPAM can and saved that in my home directory. I figured out that if w or who told me that a friend was logged in, then I could use the canned (pun intended) text to get that person’s attention:

me@school:~$ write friend < spam

My friend at the other terminal would see something like this:

Message from me@school on tty1 at 22:39 ...
| ,dP""8a "888888b,  d8b    "888b  ,888" |
| 88b   "  888  d88 dPY8b    88Y8b,8888  |
| `"Y8888a 888ad8P'dPaaY8b   88 Y88P888  |
| a,   Y88 888    dP    Y8b  88  YP 888  |
| `"8ad8P'a888a  a88a;*a888aa88a   a888a |
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|     .-'      666o6o6o6oc,*;;*;dHH;     |
|   .' nhhn,.  6666o66oo6o6o6cMMMMMM`.   |
|  / nhhhhhhhn,66666666666o6oo6MMMMMW,\  |
| .,nhhhhhhhhnhY666666666666666MMMMWHP", |
| |nhhhhhhhnhMFjj,boY6666666666MMMWWHP | |
| ``hhhhhnhWFjjjjjbbbbbboY6666MMMWWHPf ' |
|  \ `mYHMFjjjjjjjjbbbbbbbbbboYHHPP"` /  |
|   `. ""ijjjjjjjjjmbbbbbbbbbbbbbo, ,'   |
|     `-._`iijjjjmMF`"bbbbb<=========.   |
|         `---..._______...|<[Hormel |   |
|                          `========='   |

Using wall in a similar fashion was even more fun. :smiling_imp:

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