Why Does Re-Adding a Wyze Bulb trigger a Purchase of Cam Plus Monthly

Why Does Re-Adding a Wyze Bulb trigger a Purchase of Cam Plus Monthly?
Trying to re-add a longtime connected Wyze Bulb brings up a screen to "Attach your new camera (pssst, its not a camera) to your Cam Plus plan.
Unselecting the auto-renew at $ 2.99 putts the “Continue” into a loooooong “Loading” mode and it doesn’t complete the setup. Going on 15+ minutes now.


Definitely sounds like a bug. If anyone replicates this, please add your comments.

I assume you are using the 2.50 app?

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yep. 2.50.6

Same issue here. App and firmware is up to date. Had a new router and tried re-installing a wyze bulb (2019) and it prompts to add cam plus subscription to continue. Unselecting puts you on loading for eternity. Also same problem when I re-installed a base station. The install thinks my bulbs and base station are cameras…

So the re-install fails….Please fix ASAP!


Thanks for the confirmation. Will one of you please make sure to go add this to the MAY Fix-it-Friday thread ASAP? It may or may not “win” as the top high impact issue, but Jason definitely reads ALL the submissions in there and definitely passes on issues to the right people, and now that we definitely have confirmation this is more widespread and not an isolated incident I’d like to ensure it is on their radar.

I see that @JunkEmailFree has added it:

I also see that all of the users affected so far list themselves as iOS users, for whatever that’s worth.


Hi @Nightmonger @Sam_Bam Could I please get an applog after the binding? So after you see the CP ads pops out. Please cancel and submit an applog with any topic. Thank you very much!


Done. 1st gen Bulb

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FYI, I think he needs the app log number from you too. You can still get it by going to Account Tab → Wyze Support → Log History.

The reason for this is that log area has millions of logs and the easiest way for the devs like Desmond to find the one they need is to post the exact number they need to look up. :slight_smile:

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oh. 1412380

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Thanks for contributing this. I think it supports my earlier observation that this issue seems to be affecting iOS users. Perhaps that will be helpful to the engineers if @WyzeDesmond sees it.

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Same issue. Log 1415246 and 1415247. Support is ignoring me, of course. And I was hung up on by CS twice. This should be an easy resolution. Of course I am being prompted to buy a THIRD Cam Plus subscription in order to resolve the issue- that these cams don’t know they are associated with a subscription, so they won’t take more than 12s of video per event. This is not the first time this has happened, which is why I was tricked into buying a redundant subscription months ago. Now I am showing TWO simultaneous subscriptions in my Account > Services tab. One iOS Subscription and one Web Subscription. I can’t select/move any cameras in any browser or on any machine. Unacceptable. Wyze has no idea what’s happening. Do you think I’m going to get any of my money back?

Well, I forced my way out of the app, when I thought it finished adding that bulb. It added it, but I have no control over it. So, I had to try and add it again. Issue still exists a week later. I’ll just do without until they do an app update before I try again.

This is definitely Wyze’s problem.

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My hub was cranky so I had to reset it.
I have same issue readding motion sensor V2s, leak sensors, etc… It would just hang trying to add to camplus. I cancelled out of appand then added next one and so on.

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Hi same problem here with apple devices, which is all I have. I changed my wifi network name and password and now can’t get any of my pre 2019 bulbs to connect. Same as others mention with the app. I have a lot of Wyze stuff so I hope someone can address this.

Had the same problem with two of my pre 2019 wyze bulbs. Been through hours of customer service conversations and still no fix. Hoping they actually fix this and don’t ignore it like they have so far

I also am having this issue. Have two bulbs in the kitchen and one downstairs. Have to set them all back up after internet shenanigans resulting from a deep clean. Can’t set any of them back up because of this annoying cam subscription thing. I don’t have any Wyze cams; only bulbs.

I need these bulbs working sooner rather than later, and no clue when this’ll be fixed, so … had to order bluetooth LE bulbs in the meantime.

the good news is that Wyze does. not. care.

Same here, my pre-2019 bulbs are now offline and cannot connect.

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