Because things are largely unknowable and we’re all just casting about.
This just makes me think of the so-called “Rumsfeld Matrix”.
Now I’m imagining the face of Donald Rumsfeld on the body of Neo and doing a back-bend bullet dodge from a fusillade of Agent Smith’s projectiles. There’s your AI prompt, kids! Have fun with that!
Heh. No, but that makes me laugh.
If I’ve never seen The Matrix (I haven’t) I’m thinking it’s better that I never see it now. Is this sloppy thinking?
I enjoyed it when it was released. It’s an engaging story, and the effects shots were groundbreaking at the time. I thought the first two follow-up movies were okay, too. The one that was released just a few years ago didn’t really add anything to the story, I didn’t think.
Whether or not the thinking is “sloppy” seems difficult to characterize or quantify. It’s so subjective. Maybe “sloppy” is like a glitch in the matrix?
Regarding the reference to The Hunger Games, I found the first book (the only one I read) frustrating to read and wasn’t really impressed by the movie. I stopped after the first of each.
The comment about the Royale with Cheese made me think of another driving scene in Pulp Fiction. Poor Marvin. Poor Marvin Nash in Reservoir Dogs, too. If you’re ever in a Tarantino movie, don’t be named Marvin.
Unquantified, unquantifiable, ‘sloppy.’ Hang on to that folks, it’s a soggy life ring but it’s all we’ve got.
A filmmaker could formally disavow a famous film he made. He could say, ‘It had its run, it is dead to me.’
Nothing could stop him from saying this. Nor could it stop anyone else from continuing to watch it.
This is a good idea, I think. Remove the albatross from one’s neck, so to say. See the future in a new light.
There have been a few events, audio and visual, that I went out of my way to record, that didn’t ‘take’, were somehow denied me.
These things are more important. They are active and living in the imagination, past, present and future.
They still breathe. They will die.
Now it is, after briefly being le Big Mac. Prior to that, it was a ButterBurger®.
Maybe it’s really all just a nothingburger:
vague and specific
customers and support
specificity requested be each of the other as they interact
what’s the problem, please be specfic
what’s the solution, please be specific
yet a vague response may be offered to a problem presented specifically
Please present your problem specifically.
I have presented the problem specifically.
Please respond in kind, or, if that is not possible or allowed, please advise that that is so.
that’s not nothing.
Like the space between the floating buns
disclose the omission
Completely unrelated (maybe sloppy?):
“My anaconda don’t want none unless you’ve got buns, hon.”
— Sir Mix-a-Lot, “Baby Got Back”
Thanks. It’s…
A meatless burger.
A roommate in the Navy used to eat mayonnaise sandwiches. I took him to dinner a couple of times. Most sailors drink their money away. He was supporting his mother whose house burned down.
Another friend ate tomato sandwiches because he was poor. I tried one and found it tasty with salt and pepper (not the band.)
I remember that time clearly.
At the time, in the Navy, we had an ugly female boss that was never happy. We called her Chief Beef behind her back, due to her appearance and attitude.
We often would say, “Where’s the beef?” when referring to our “dear” boss. It caught on. At an assembly, the XO gave her an award and referred to her as Chief Beef on the PA. Maybe he thought it was an affectionate term.
She gave us poor ratings, but luckily her boss corrected that issue and later I was promoted while her “favorite” female sailor didn’t make the cut.
Thanks again for stirring up old memories. Glad I never experienced PTSD. Who knows what memories would come flooding back.