Video Doorbell V2 power supply and connections

Hi all, Installing a V2 video doorbell and run into a issue with the original homes chime. Tryin to figure out if it’s obsolete because it only has 2 terminals and the specs on it are 5VA 10V. 515T. When I wire it the orange light on the door bell is not lit. However when I connect the 2 leads coming from the original door bell button outside it is lit up and is flashing orange.

So obviously it’s getting power but I assume it’s not enough power for the controller end. Question is can I replace my original chime to resolve the issue And will a 16-24 V 10VA unit work with my original homes wiring since it appears the voltage is only 5V.

Another issue is the original wiring is not setup like the instructions. I only have 2 red wires connected the the chime not the red and black and the wire wires are actually calked into the wall.

Welcome to the Forum, @billbarschdorf! :wave:

I’m not exactly sure how to answer your questions, because in some places you write “chime” when it seems like you might mean “transformer” and what you included a photo of is actually the transformer (which is a helpful starting point).

It seems you’ve already discovered that for the Video Doorbell v2, “[t]he existing circuit must have a minimum voltage of 16V-24V and power output of 10VA” and that 16V is the recommended minimum, so including a transformer upgrade in your plan is probably a good place to start. In my particular case, I’m using the 16V/10VA transformer that was already installed and running the previous “dumb” doorbell button and mechanical chime, and I tested the voltage at the original doorbell button’s location early in my installation process. If I remember correctly, I was seeing ~18 volts across the two wires there, so I proceeded with the installation and the Video Doorbell v2 has been working for several months since then. I think testing initially and/or as you go can be helpful if you have the equipment available to do so.

If you could review your original post and maybe restate what you’re seeing and what you’ve done so far—particularly being careful to differentiate where you mean “chime” versus “transformer”—then I think that would help others to help you figure this out.

LOL, I have to laugh at myself. I now see what the problem is. I was thinking the “transformer” was the actual chime completely forgetting that the actual chime box was on the opposite side of the wall from the transformer. In other words the transformer is on the inside of a closet (picture I posted) and the chime box on the wall opposite the closet. Next to our stairs. I feel really silly considering we have owned our house for 23 years, LOL! Anyways chime box is exactly like the instructions show with 3 wiring terminals for front and back door bells.

I try and wire it up again tomorrow and see where I’m at.

Right on. This makes much more sense, and the new description of the chime box sounds more like what I’d expect to see. Thank you for the clarification.

I hope all goes well with the wiring job. I don’t think you’d lose anything but a little time by trying to hook up the Video Doorbell v2 as-is, because your initial post makes it seem like it was getting enough power to boot and enter pairing mode:

  • Flashing Orange: The device is ready for pairing.

My concern is that the transformer’s output may not be enough to sustain adequate power to the camera during and after a chime event. I don’t know what the power drop is at the doorbell button location when the chime is activated, but my understanding is that with inadequate power there’s a risk of the camera and/or radio rebooting/going offline with a severe enough power fluctuation, so you might be temporarily giving up some features during that time even if the doorbell seems to be functioning normally otherwise.