V4 cam in black leak?

Mine is just duct tape and hammer with arrows between them.

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I once read in someoneā€™s BBS signature something along the lines of ā€œA big enough hammer will fix damn near anything.ā€ :wink::+1:

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Now youā€™re dating yourself. I still have the file somewhere with the hundreds of taglines (personally curated of course) that would randomly get put at the end of each post.

Oh, Iā€™m aware. Almost that exact phrase popped into my head before I began composing my previous post. :grin:

V4 is good taking critter videos but not for sharing here. 40 second video was 8.20 MB way over the size allowed to post here.


Wow! Super nice images!!! thumbsup

Use a video editing tool to reduce the size. Just changing file to 720p should do it. A quick and easy online tool in case you donā€™t have a native app: https://video-converter.com/


Maybe they will let me get a shorter one with maybe one paw dip and gone. I hate to edit original videos. The :raccoon: :raccoon: gang was taking a nap on my deck at 2 AM. :sleepy:

I have a different editor so maybe I will try switching the output from High Quality to something else.


I used the online editor and Changed the video to 1080. It screwed up his approach, I try another program


The two images are crystal clear and lighting is perfect.

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Well they certainly havenā€™t been any more generous with the compression on the v4 then. Send the squad to Wyze HQ to convince them they need to be seen in all their QHD glory.

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