Updated firmware and now furnace does not start

I had a perfectly fine 1.2.1 thermostat that has been running for almost 4 years. I finally noticed that it had a firmware update and the update to 1.2.8 seems to have been successful. I am having a problem getting my heat pump+propane furnace working now though.

I woke up this morning to the house at 60F with a point of 68F. The system was blowing but said it would that 18 hours to reach the setpoint. I then noticed it was in heat pump mode with it being 20F outside.

I powered everything down to reset. No dice. I actually did a reset and deleted and readded the device but no dice on the furnace kicking on. Stage 2 heat during the test kicks off the pump outside and does not start the air handler. Stage 1 and cool work fine.

Any ideas before it gets to 20F again tonight?

Didn’t change any wires and below is what has been there since Jan 2021.

I think you might just be noticing the stage 2 isn’t turning on and think it’s the firmware. The weather just got cold and your heat pump was likely doing all the work.

Get to the furnace and see what’s going on when you call for heat. You can also jump R & W together and see if it fires. You probably have a dirty flame sensor or something.

The furnace was working before, but I suspect I made things more difficult by resetting too quickly after it did not fire up right away.

I’ll try pulling the thermostat and jumping Rc+W1 to see if it calls for heat when I get back home. When it gets to the Aux/Stage 2 call for heat the air handler turns off, but I don’t see the igniter glow to open the burner valve and I am not certain if the vent fan kicks on either. I update later, thanks!