I had a perfectly fine 1.2.1 thermostat that has been running for almost 4 years. I finally noticed that it had a firmware update and the update to 1.2.8 seems to have been successful. I am having a problem getting my heat pump+propane furnace working now though.
I woke up this morning to the house at 60F with a point of 68F. The system was blowing but said it would that 18 hours to reach the setpoint. I then noticed it was in heat pump mode with it being 20F outside.
I powered everything down to reset. No dice. I actually did a reset and deleted and readded the device but no dice on the furnace kicking on. Stage 2 heat during the test kicks off the pump outside and does not start the air handler. Stage 1 and cool work fine.
Any ideas before it gets to 20F again tonight?
Didn’t change any wires and below is what has been there since Jan 2021.