Update Your Wyze Cam v3 Firmware For Latest Security Updates 10/30/23

A Firmware Flash will most likely recover those cams to working order.

The current issue with the failed firmware updates “bricking cams” on several models is not in the firmware itself but within the OTA update process failing somewhere in the download and install logic. And, this is not a new problem. This issue has been documented in multiple prior OTA firmware updates, on multiple models, since 4.36.11.xxxx and it’s equivalent on other cams was introduced some time back.

Many users, myself included, have successfully OTA updated V3 cams to this version. Others have successfully Flashed to this version. This indicates that the Firmware code is sound. The OTA Update process of getting it there is questionable at best.

Since Wyze has now disabled the download of all prior firmware versions for these cam models to force everyone into the current version, users seeking prior versions will need to look to the Social Media platforms to get older Firmware Flash archives from other users who have archived them locally.

Then that isn’t a V3 Cam, which is the topic of this thread. The PanV3 and VDBv1 Firmware Update Thread discusses the only two current Firmware Updates to have been posted as Mandatory\Forced Updates recently. The V3 Firmware is not mandatory or forced. Any Firmware Pop-Up Messages on a V3 can be cancelled.