Unknown voice from camera

RainbowCrack is the one we most often use, it’s free and can be found here:

Wfuzz, Cain and Able and THC Hydra are others we use. A quick search for password auditing tools on google or DuckDuckGo will find dozens.

Cain and Able uses what are known as multiple payload injection points it bypasses most systems password attempt counters.

We also monitor a little over 10,000 known flaws that allow you to bypass Windows, Unix, Linux, MAC etc logins depending on if a patch has been applied or not etc. Amazing how many companies don’t update their software.


That is a very interesting story. If you don’t mind telling me a little bit more information. Approximately what year were you abducted? Also Where were you living at that time? And what were you doing when you were Abducted.

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Don’t mind at all. It was 1973 and I was living in Rachel, NV working as a cook at the local eatery. We were closed and using the place as a meeting room for the Flat Earth Society. I was trying to open a glowing crystal we found in the desert when a light appeared and literally pulled me up hundreds of feet into their hovering egg shaped craft. The rest is a just a blur with snippets of recollections but nothing definitive. I do remember some telepathic fragments about some sort of probing (which sounded like fun to be honest) but it might just have been my subconscious mind playing tricks on me after a bad date I had. The same beam of light returned me but miles from Rachel. I had to hitch hike down the highway to get back. I slept for 3 days straight and woke up craving twinkies. Weird, right?


An amplifier isn’t going to convert radio waves to audio. But good thinking.

I am looking forward to WYZE’s staff to reply… I know several people with these cameras and we often swap stories about random Camera Motion and Tracking— even when that feature is OFF. I have been writing it off as a glitch. This is the 1st I heard about SOUND and human voice.

Sounds like the same experience my friend had after popping pills and smoking wacky weed. :rofl: He didn’t show up at work for a week and had a similar story. Later admitted he was on drugs. And yes, he got fired because he didn’t call in for over a week.

Might explain my spotty work history :thinking:

Nasdme, listen to me. We traced the IP address. It’s coming from inside the house!..

Do you hear me? It’s coming from inside the house! You need to get out! Nasdme?

I’m covered in tin foil.
No way will I be found. :see_no_evil:

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So there is no way to Hack a Server or have a server compromised? No possibility that a programmer added a back door or any other means of gaining access to people’s accounts ?

It amazes me when people who describe them self as “programmers” and IT say this is impossible.

It is more likely that SOMETHING happened, than multiple users here are either lying or having the same Auditory Hallucination.

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@justmadeintheusa, sorry to hear this! Do you still have that video? If so, could you please send it to me? How long ago did this happen? Did you send in a log through the app?

@GaryDZ, I am a Wyze employee but so is @WyzeTao. Here is his response from earlier:

Unknown voice from camera - #45 by WyzeTao

The OP chose to switch to direct communication after this post and we have been working with him since then to figure this out.


Hi @GaryDZ I am the one chomping on shoe leather (open mouth insert foot). Just my frustration showing through. The OP is working with Wyze directly to resolve their issue. Hopefully to everyone’s satisfaction. :smiley::smiley:

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Has anyone ever considered the possibility of just plain old RFI (Radio Frequency Interference)? When a strong RF field is present, it can override other signals. There have even been times when people could hear a radio station from the fillings in their teeth. This does not mean that anyone else can hear what is going on from your camera.

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Ever heard of a CB user with a high powered amplifier disrupt tv, radio, or anything with an analog speaker? Unlikely as that would seem, that is the most probable cause of the audio event. Strong RF frequency modulation can modulate many near-by objects. Anyone up?

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Thanks for the quick response and I’m aware of some of these software packages, however they are for checking/auditing against the hashed passwords when you have access to that hashed password file to check for easy/short passwords using pre-calculated tables that were time consuming to build. Something a system Admin might do. And of course used to decode hashed password acquired during a data breach. However none of these take away from a “generated” 12 char/digit/symbol being secure at the sign in page. So I’m not understanding the concern you are talking about.

The extreme odds of strong RF interference producing “clear human voice” in understandable sentence form is hard to imagine and as well would need to be close by.

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I am glad you feel secure. I wish you well. :grinning:

I will send the Video clip as soon as I get home in a cpl hours. It happened 3/20/2019 @2:28 am…
The moment I shut my laptop down to go to sleep I heard someone’s voice next to me and I was pretty shocked as I was the only one at home at the time… then I realized I still had a camera up in my room, as i had just got in from vacation a d used it for the people who were taking care of my pets.I checked the footage and was surprised to have captured the voice.

I did not send anything in, I did go around and shutoff all the cameras, change password. As it was a bit freaky… Noone has/had access to my cameras, not shared…

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Not me personally, but I’ve had my own issues with Wyze cam, especially since the last firmware update. That’s a different story.

This happened to my brother. He has the pan camera. And his wife told him, that one time, she was watching tv with their kid, and whenever she went to the kitchen and back to the living room, the camera would follow her. Thinking that it was my brother watching her from the mobile app, she texted him. He replied that he wasn’t. Then a little later that day, she heard a guy say “hello”. Again, it wasn’t my brother.

Seems like Wyze Cam’s security isn’t that secure. With all these posts of random voices, and camera movement, it would seem that some people are able to hack into the cameras. I now only plug mine in when I’m out of the house. Then unplug it when I’m at home. The camera works pretty good if your away from home and want to check in. But I don’t trust it not to be spying on me when I’m at home. lol

The pan cam is supposed to follow you… Motion tracking must be turned on.