Unknown voice from camera

Donā€™t tellā€¦

@justmadeintheusa, Iā€™ll keep an eye out for it. As a heads up, Iā€™ll be out camping over the weekend so my availability will be limited once I leave the office. Though with it having been that long, thereā€™s definitely no log available for us to look at. Has this happened to you since then?

@gslrider, thank you for letting us know about your brotherā€™s problem. Do you know if he sent in a log or anything or if he has a video of this event? We would like to look into it.

Hi @justmadeintheusa, thank you for letting us know. It will be super helpful if you can share with us the footage. With the footage we will be able to narrow down the cases to investigate how it happened. It will be great if you can share with us your cameraā€™s MAC address if possible (you can find it either at the bottom of a v2 and back of a Pan). Thank you very much!

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Hi @gslrider, thanks for letting us know! As Gwen mentioned, if your brother can possibly let us know the MAC of the camera and the time when it happened we can check on our cloud log to see if there is anything abnormal.
Definitely turning on 2FA is a good level of defense if you want to protect your account/devices. Thanks!

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Not necessarily.

A few years back a Chinese phone manufacture (Xiaomi ) was caught stealing customers private data without any of the customers knowing about it;


Last year another Chinese firm was caught stealing server information from U.S. companies by implanting a VERY small chip on the servers motherboard. You would never see it if you didnā€™t know what you were looking for;

Many people donā€™t know it but Wyze cameras are supplied from a Chinese camera company. Guess who they are? Thatā€™s right, itā€™s Xiaomi. The very same Xiaomi mentioned above;


So never say never. I think what Nasdme and kyphos have described is ā€œplausibleā€ knowing what we now know about Chinese electronic firms breaching security. However I wonā€™t believe that it actually happened until I see and hear an actual event.

Itā€™s like the advice that my boss once gave to me: ā€œTrust but verifyā€ :wink:

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Not trying to start a squabble but the Hacker News story has been discredited.

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The entire story wasnā€™t discredited. One person had ā€œdoubtsā€. Big difference. The reason why that one person said he had doubts could be anything, including financial incentives. I actually am not worried about that story. I was more worried about how Xiaomi breached security trust in their products. That report is rock solid and Xiaomi has already ā€œapologizedā€ about it. With that in mind it does give what Nasdme and kyphos have reported some credence. I would still need to see and hear an actual event though, so I wouldnā€™t dismiss what they reported just yet.

Keep reading, you have to use Google a bit but none of the story stood up to daylight.

My thoughts were hardware based as well. I worked for a care facility near a country radio station. One day one of our clients mentioned they heard talking and music comming from the room that had musical equipment. The guitar amplifier was left on, you could hear music and occasionally talking. Found out that the radio signal from the country station was being picked up by the amplifier converting it to sound, just barely loud enough you could hear it.

This is why some computer components are shielded.

Another example

The SD card aspect is a joke we bought for 32 gig SD cards and both of them have turned to crap they donā€™t record anything and they cannot be reformatted,it so wasted that money. So according to some of the other complaints the SD card Is a known issue that still has not been resolved

This sounds like a support ticket item. I have 7 cams and they all work perfectly. Get a replacement.

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The Wyze cameras do have a voice output from the camera itself. It is used for prompts/acknowledgements when setting up cameras or peripherals (sensors etc.)
I have heard the prompts go off for no reason. Probably momentary dropout of the com link or a sensor or a reboot. The voice sounds as described here. Itā€™s difficult to understand unless you are listening for it and are near the camera. In the middle of the night, half asleep you wouldnā€™t understand it from another room. Ask Wyze what the voice prompts are and I think youā€™ll find one that sounds like this.

When I was younger, my father had his HAM radio antenna outside my bedroom window and every time he broadcast I could hear him clearly on anything with a speakerā€¦ my phone handset, TV, computer monitor, even the speaker in my modem (yes, this was a while ago!) all spoke at once. Iā€™ve even heard from people a mile or two down the road that they could hear him sometimes.

So without having researched the software security, human interaction, spiritual connections, etc I can say that RF interference absolutely CAN manifest as voices in nearby equipment. Iā€™m not an electrical engineer able to explain the mechanics of it, but I know first-hand it happens. Is this the answer to your particular situation? That I canā€™t speak to.

It could be an over pressure alarm from the small nuclear reactor inside the cam that powers the ai. I know there were issues in early testing.


This is commonly attributed to President Ronald Wolfgang Puck Reagan. It is, in fact, of Russian origin. Funny world. :slight_smile:


Interesting, and good to know :wink:

Not really common in modern equipmentā€¦ Have you noticed it recently in any other electrical devices, Cordless phones, TVs, etc. I am glad Wyze is taking it seriously. I am sure (AKA, more likely to believe) the people who report it happenedā€¦than to blame it on some of the responses people said here to be funny.

I didnā€™t intend to make light of the possible security angle of this, just commenting that Iā€™ve had firsthand experience of audio interference in the past that __might__be related. You raise a valid point though, I havenā€™t experienced that in decades, which I attributed to moving out of the house where I had a transmitting antenna outside my window capable of reaching the other side of the planet.

Iā€™m curious to see what the final result of this is ā€“ my guess would be either a hacked account or something wonky in the routing on Wyzeā€™s server since that audio stream goes from a camera or phone (supposed to be yours) to their server
and back down to a camera or phone (supposed to be yours).

Has anyone considered the alternatives to ā€œI keep hearing voicesā€ issue ?

Maybe the cameras arenā€™t part of the problem at all :man_shrugging:

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I once thought this was some silliness. but it happened to me this weekend. I was out on the back deck near 2 wyze cam 2ā€™s. It was quiet. I definitely heard int wize cam tinny voice ā€œset for how long?ā€. interestingly the cameras were power daisy chained and had lost thier confguration during a thunder storm (which I also need to understand) and they were unplugged. yes, literally unplugged and powered off. I earlier in the day asked my amazon echo to ste a timer to play a podcast and one of the responses was ā€œset for how long?ā€. I did have my pnone with amazon echo software in my pocket and apparently it did the response unattended and a couple hours delayed. It was not the one in the house because itā€™s volume, later checked, was very low. Since the cameras were literally power off disconnected they couldnt be it, but they really sounded like them. it had to be my phone ā€¦ possibly the amazon echo through a bedroom window 30 ft away but unlikely. Anyway ghost in the machine? yes but in the amazon echo not the camera.

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