Unknown voice from camera

My kids have told me that similar things have happened while they were home. Strange voices coming from the Wyze pan in the living room. At first I thought they were joking until I stumbled upon this thread. Now I am concerned.

If you are experiencing this try to capture logs of when it happened and send it in, that is the only way for them to find out what is going on if it truly is happening.

Why doesnā€™t Wyze take a few of their devices to Las Vegas this week to the IoT Hacking Village at DEF CON and see if their devices are as secure as they claim they are.

The fact that everyone so easily discounted my theory shows that itā€™s true. This is serious deep state stuff. Aliens are trying to communicate with us and theyā€™re doing it though Wyze cams that supposedly have ā€œAIā€. Well you know what - that person / vehicle detection ā€œAIā€ thing always recording FLYING blips of light? Come on people - how did millions of these things get into our homes?? You need to ask the hard questions. This is first contact. This is the key moment in history that will define humanity forever as we join them and soar amongst the stars.
Donā€™t screw it all up by trying to Firewall your cams.
Open your ports, open your hearts, open your mindsā€¦
The survival of our species it at stake here folks.

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Do you have TinyCam by any chance? The people with this issueā€¦

This is gaslighting 101 folks. Youā€™re being stirred up over an initial, vague, unverified story and now it has created a long thread of paranoia and misinformation. Donā€™t fall for it.


Ha! Mis-direction and calling it ā€œgaslightingā€.
Classic deep state move.
The truth is out there :alien:

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Iā€™m no expert, but based on the Wikipedia definition this is not gaslighting.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, and sanity.

yea, I am getting a little creeped out when my echo or google assistant comments when I am talking to the dog and not using the wake ord ā€œcomputerā€. although it may be confusing ā€œcome hereā€ with computer then the following words as a search term then just rattling on about some unrequested topic like some senile oldā€¦ well, person like me ā€¦ hmmm

This may be a symptom of Skynet becoming self aware.

Common hack if you keep your default password. Change it.

It is a good possibility that you could be getting paranormal activities over your camera recorder. It is known that Paranormal uses Power for energy to use Items such as Recording devices. You said you heard the voices also you stated that it did not record the voice for some reason. Itā€™s possible they could use the energy from the camera to cross over to our side to record their voice to make contact with you. And that could have used the power to prevent it from recording at that moment.

Has anyone considered the possibility that this is some kind of RF interference. In other words, a strong nearby RF signal, like a CB radio, getting picked up somehow by the cameraā€™s circuitry and spilling out over the speaker. Just askinā€™

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No not with the frequent sees it they use now . I run My police scanner and emergency vehicle scanner Proximately 5ā€™ from my Camera and Iā€™ve never had in the interference. Good thought

Sign me up for the Voices too, as I had same issue happen. I was shutting my laptop down around 2:30am and I hearā€¦ ā€œOut go the lightsā€. Voice over my camera. I also saved the event, as It bothered the hell out of meā€¦

I sticking to my guns here - itā€™s definitely a first contact event. Makes sense too - by infiltrating Wyze were all unwittingly building a giant global mesh network that, when fully deployed, will allow full contact and it will change the world. Trust me - Iā€™ve been on one of their ships when I was abducted as a young child and my implant has been active ever since I plugged in my first Wyze cam.

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Iā€™m into a lot of pure normal stuff. Itā€™s funny that you say it was at 2:30 a.m. because they say that 3:00 a.m. is the Time the you will get most of the activity. I donā€™t think itā€™s anything to worry about. Somebody is just trying to make contact to you. It could be somebody that as passed away in your home or near your house. They say that some people do not cross over when they pass away Depending on what happened. Look up the history Regarding your property You couldnā€™t Google your address and asked deceive those anybody ever murdered there or passed away or some kind of accident near your home. Or the other way is to go to the town Hall to look up literature regarding Your property. Another good way is to check with your neighbors that have been there longer than you and ask questions. This is something that couldnā€™t happen even on the property 500 years letā€™s say it somebody was murdered then . Any other questions feel free to ask donā€™t be harmed next time you have that issue ask questions and see if it will respond back to you You may not hear them respond but if you go back in to year Camera In check The time that You started asking questions listen for any response and also look at your video why The Times you cannot hear them respond At the time youā€™re asking.

Uh huh :alien:


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Please provide the commercially available software name that can do this. 12 char/num/symbols has normally been considered years to crack encrypted passwords unless your NSA. In this case, you are having to enter a password and wait on a response and possible time out, totally different than trying to decrypt an encrypted password. Iā€™d suggest there is a keyscanner in place instead of a complex 12 charactor password cracked by multi sign-ons.

What a class act here!!