Unable to see wireless network

My camera’s were working previously, but then they just stopped. I had the cable guy out and they said I needed to split the wireless to 2.4 and 5. I understand 2.4 is to be used for the Cam Pan v3. I can see them on my phone, but when I try installing the Wyze app for the camera it will not give me the 2.4 to select. Maybe there is something I am missing. If so, please let me know.


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Was it working before the cable guy arrived? I haven’t split mine. All under same SSID.

Welcome to the forum.

Yes, it was working before the cable guy

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Welcome to the Forum, @tom20! :wave:

Like @ssummerlin, I’m using devices on both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands with the same SSID (i.e., I’m not “splitting” them into separate SSIDs), and this works for me. In the past, though, with some stubborn IoT devices, I’ve had to completely turn off a router’s 5 GHz radio in order to get a device to initially connect to my network. This forces the phone to use 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, which is what the IoT device often needs in order to complete the pairing. Is that something you’ve tried?

After I get the device on the network, I can turn the router’s 5 GHz radio back on and it hasn’t caused problems for the 2.4-GHz-only devices.

What reason was given for this?

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