Ultimate iOS Automation for Garage Door opening when entering

Here’s my procedure on iPhone to automatically open my garage door as I pull up my car into the garage driveway. As long as you have a good internet connectivity , it works most of the times , with one tap from a notification for the automation to run.

I will assume that (google) Assistant iOS app is downloaded and integrated with Wyze already (Ensure that Google Home app is linked with Wyze). Also, assuming your data or connectivity is on when you drive your car towards the garage

Go to Shortcut app , Click on + , Give a name , something like, open garage.

Add action , Choose Assistant , Ask Google
Type question: Open Garage Door (where my Wyze name for the garage door controller cam is “garage door”)

You can untick ‘show when run’ option or leave it as-is.

Next add a wait (you can swipe up the screen and type wait in the search bar)

I usually prefer to add 7 second wait time because of network delays.

Next , again select Assistant , ask google ,
Type question : PIN NUMBER (You have to type the PIN number that you have set to open the garage door controller via google home, you can set this in Wyze app or via google home when you first ask google to open the garage door)

Next again select Wait , and I’d typically put another 7 seconds .

Then, I usually prefer to open app: Wyze , so that even when the google assistant fails (believe me, it fails due to weird reasons), it will still open the Wyze app to make life easier doing it manually.

Now go back to the main page of shortcuts app, and Select Automation tab in the bottom.

Click on + and personal automation.

Under create personal automation, select Arrive , and against location → choose → type your home address and click next

In the next scree , search for shortcuts , Select Run Shortcut , and choose the newly created shortcut that we just did previously.

It’s tedious, but once you have set this up , whenever my car pulls up near the garage, I get a Automation notification , and I can either tell siri , or hit the notification-> Run , to open my garage as I pull up my car into the garage . Works like a charm most times!

I have created a sample shortcut which you can import, edit and use, where my cam name is garage door , and sample PIN is 1234. Hope this helps - Shortcuts

My automation looks something like this:

All this hassle until Wyze devs create one iOS widget for opening the garage door controller !!


Thank you so much, I have been trying to write a shortcut for this purpose. I’d like to see Wyze develop a garage door button to display directly on the CarPlay screen. I would really love if they’d support HomeKit someday.