Turkeys can fly


Wild turkeys can fly at speeds up to 55 mph for short distances, about 100 yards. Enough to get away from any predators. They can run up to 25 mph too.


“WKRP in Cincinnati” had an episode about dropping domesticated turkeys from a helicopter, as a promotion for the station, falling on innocent by standers watching from below. They fell like rocks because they’ve lost that ability. I think the quote from the head of the stations was: “As god is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”


A video is worth a thousand words.


We had a turkey wandering around the neighborhood a few months ago.


Turkeys fly up into trees to roost at night,
One early morning I saw my cat was fixated on something up in the tree In the woods next to my house , I went to the back door and looked up to see and there was a turkey 40 foot or so up in the tree , just sittin up there chillin out , I have seen Turkeys around here many times before but that’s the first time I saw one up in a tree.


A tactic used by turkey hunters is to “bed” a flock of birds just after they have roosted for the night. That usually involves using a crow call to pinpoint their location. A male will gobble from the roost.

Before sunrise the next morning, the hunter creeps as quietly as they can to the center of the roosting birds and then make as much noise as he can to scare them off the roost. He sits down right there and starts calling the hens back so they flock back up and hopefully bring some gobblers with them.

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