I’m getting excessive amount of false positive motion detections with my cameras.
It’s almost all due to car headlights/ light reflections and not the cars themselves.
Changing the threshold helps a little but then I start getting false negatives.
Surely I’m not the only user with this problem.
Is anything being done to improve this?
I’m thinking a detection timer along with the threshold setting could solve this problem.
For example, If the detected motion is less than 300ms then ignore the detection.
The ai currently doesnt do anything with lighitng changes or trees moving, though it is a possible tag when submitting events, so it could be coming soon.
“Motion Events” are everything. It doesnt get processed by the ai, its just any significant pixel changes, based on your sensitivity. If you want to use the AI, you must choose from person, pet, package, or vehicle at this time.
The AI is updated monthly, sometimes more frequently as needed.
I try and think when I would want to be notified of any detected motion shorter than say half a second. Can’t think of any situation where this would be useful. Almost everytime it would be a false positive.
Yes I’m not really talking about AI, but if AI can resolve my issue then great.
I’m asking if Wyze can add in an option to the Threshold setting. Like another slider bar called Threshold Duration, which you can set to ignore all motion triggers less than ‘x’ milliseconds. #wishlist