Time is set incorrectly on new cameras or those reset after new app launch

After updating the app and trying to add a new camera or reinstall an old one, the system assigns the wrong time and the time sync option does not work.

So of my 7 cameras I have 3 with the time wrong and I can’t solve the problem. Any solution?

Oh no way, I noticed the time was off when I was trying to cross reference it against my Google nest video for the same time a few days ago. I had just updated app. You can sync the time in the advanced menu for the camera settings.

Seems like this could be the problem.

The time sync doesn’t work for me either lol I’m guessing…

I just fixed it by logging out and back in then going into the sync option again and it seems to be working now. But I don’t think it is the best solution some problem must exist. BTW time synchronization should be automatic.

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There was an issue with the old app last year where after adding a camera, notifications were coming 3 hours off (wrong time zone) even though the time displayed on the camera was correct. Uninstalling and reinstalling the app fixed it (but had to do that after adding every new camera). Sounds like this may be something similar, a glitch that will hopefully get fixed in a new update. I haven’t added any cams since the new app so can’t comment if it affected me or not.

NOTE - do not uninstall the app if you are still on the 2.X version. That likely means your device is not compatible with 3.x and you can no longer do a new install of 2.X!!

Do you have cameras in other time zones? The last I understood this issue was if the camera was in a different time zone than your device. The solution was to change your device (phone) to the time zone of the camera, then choose ‘sync’. After that, I believe the camera would be able to handle the sync on its own.

Let us know if true/not true.

My software engineering brain says that could be possible. All in the same time zone here though.

I will say that they were for sure spot on timestamp wise at SOME POINT in the past. I had a few incidents last summer where I had to check times against a dashcam of my car, and they were within the same second of each other.

I frequently check my Nest cameras first, my doorbell, because the audio is much better, as is the AI built in for face detection and motion events. So i frequently go back and forth. Only noticed the issue since I downloaded the new app.

Not sure if the cameras are phoneing home for the time or if its being synced from your phone when you view them and it connected… Id have to dig into that a bit.

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I just purchased a cam pan v3 and the sync time is off by 3.5 hours!? When the notification comes on my phone ALL my cameras notifications are off the same 3.5 hours. In live mode only the new cam pan v3 is off. I went through all the trouble shooting with Wyze and there was no solution.
Anyone else with this issue?

Thank you all for your info. Could you please pass me few logs along with snapshots which shows incorrect time on different cameras? Thanks a lot!

I sent all of that info to the support team about a week ago. They had no new troubleshooting methods to help me after that.
I decided to try and delete the camera and try again from scratch and it worked!
All times are now synchronized.

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Got it. Sorry I was on PTO last week so didn’t see the thread. Next time same issue happens please DM me and I will follow up on it. Thanks again!

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