Im not an electrician or HVAC guy but am a handyman. I need to lean on some of you for your knowledge please. Ordered a Wyze thermostat and stumped when i went to install it. The wiring wasn’t as straightforward as i thought. I have attached pics of the control board, where it is spliced between the board and thermostat and the old theemostat. I understand all but the C wire connection. There is a blue wire in the wall at the thermostat but i wasnt comfortable wiring it to the new theemostat based on the pics.
In the pic that shows them spliced the longer brown wire comes from the control board.
Any help wouls be much appreciated.
@speadie is the resident HVAC individual.
However, a few questions:
Do you know if you have a Heat pump or Conventional? Asking because the wire markings will be different as labeled on your existing T-Stat. You will need to know this when setting up the T-Stat
A C-wire is required. If you do not have one, you can leverage the Provided adapter as that will utilize the G-Wire then. If you have an existing wire behind the wall (Blue one, I believe) you may be able to leverage that for the C-Wire.
What color is the bundle taped up and what is the label of the position it connects to?
Can you also post a picture of the Board on the HVAC side where the wires connect? Normally they will plug into a spot on a board with the same or similar labels as the T-Stat.
Sorry. It is conventional, not a heat pump. I attached a pic of the spliced wires. Sorry, i missed it in original post.
Thanks for the update. Saw the pic, was hoping to see the circuit board on the HVAC. What system do you have? I cam look it up as well
It’s an Amana system.
Need a zoomed out view of the unit so that i can tell were that blue wire goes… the splice is just there so that the R wire is interrupted if the a/c condensate drain clogs.
Here are a few pics zoomed out. Sorry they arent the greatest. Its a pain in the you know what to get a ggod pic because of where it is in the attic.
With the power off:
Take this blue wire and unwind it and make sure the end is stripped a bit so the copper is showing
and attach it to the C terminal with this red wire that goes to your air conditioner.
Then connect the blue wire at your thermostat to C.
Power it back on and your thermostat should power up.
Make sure to tell the app that your old thermostat has the following wires: Rc, G, C, Y, W
Awesome. I thought I could just add it but wanted to make sure. Thanks so much for your help.
I finally had a chance to wire this up today and the thermostat powers on but does nothing. No hest or cool. I attached tje message i get in the app. It makes no sense because that
connection didnt exist previously amd i dont have a heat pump. Thoughts?
I skipped that screen in the app but the unite wont turn on at all.
Sorry. After settling down for a few i realized it was the green wire connection.
But still nothing once i got it fixed.
nothing at all? hmm can you share an updated picture?
Nothing was bad wording. The thermostat has power but the unit doesnt kick on to either heat or cool. Installed the old thermostat and all works fine.
That is very weird. you don’t happen to have a picture of the wyze’s backplate wired up, do you? the only thing i can think of that might cause this is the transformer not having enough power to run both the furnace control board and the thermostat, although usually in that case, when you try to run the heat or cooling, the thermostat restarts.
No, i don’t have a picture of it wired. I will go through the motions again as soon as i get a chance. Ill take a pic when i do but hopefully it was a fluke and will work next time. I actually disconnected all the wiring at the thermostat and rewired it last time just to make sure.
Thanks for responding and i will let you know when i get a chance to try again.
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