System Diagnostic Notifications - Camera not Recording to SD

Hello Wyze. My camera missed an event, a really important one. It recorded an event 30 seconds prior to the one I needed. When I checked the sd card, it had not recorded continuously for 1 month! I checked my other cameras and 3 of the 6 have not been recording for various periods of time.

Is there an auto diagnostic function where the app would warn me that “camera A has not recorded an event to the sd card since xx/xx/xxxx date”?

Unfortunately, no reason to check the cameras until there is an issue… a heads up that the camera is not recording would be very useful!

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Welcome to the Forum, @colorator! :wave:

I’m not aware of the kind of feature you’re asking about, but this Wishlist topic might address what you’re requesting:

Please visit that one and consider adding your comments/use cases to the discussion as well as hitting the Vote button above the initial post.