Summon the frog, get the peep šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

Who gets the point for that one?


OP gets all unclaimed everything!
I WIN! :trophy: :frog:
Cat parade celebrates my victory!!

Mods: I would not be averse to your closing this topic immediately. I think we can agree that any further commentary would be extraneous and only detract from the quality of the thread as a whole. :kissing_cat:

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Iā€™m pretty sure that counts as an answer, so Iā€™m takinā€™ the point. Maybe Iā€™ll take 'em both. :wink:

Summon the frog, get the peep

:mega: :palm_up_hand: :frog: :arrow_right: :palms_up_together: :hatched_chick: :question:

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pretty sure

Is that what youā€™d tell your girlfriendā€™s parents: ā€˜Iā€™m pretty sure we used protection.ā€™ :boy::girl:

Speak up, Man, either take the prize or yield, no time to shilly-shally, we have a victory to certify!

(Not sure why they call them ā€˜moderatorsā€™ if they refuse to moderate :roll_eyes:)

I donā€™t like the cut of your jib, fella. And itā€™s not the content of your speech that offends, it is you and your milquetoast qualities summed, itā€™s personal.

(Mods? A brief timeout for me to cool down? At least?:pleading_face:)



Advanced AI has determined that the potential for amphibian arrest in this thread is near zero. Do your own work, filthy ā€˜naturals.ā€™

You must be in the hole on points now. Youā€™ve asked 3 questions in the last two post

Itā€™s all over but the counting. And Iā€™ve finished counting so itā€™s over. :slight_smile:

Hereā€™s Johnny?

Great movie. The answer to his question is ā€œon purposeā€. :laughing:


:no_entry_sign: :milk_glass: :bread: :exclamation:

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Ack. :white_flag: ā€˜Ammo dumpā€™ blown. ā€˜Warā€™ over. Mods win. :trophy:

How could they not from such ā€˜commanding heights!ā€™ :zap:

ā€˜Seeā€™ comments #34-35. (Exposition is :cat2: . Donā€™t do it carver!)


I knew it would happen to you soon. :astonished:

Someone should :nail_care: those down, they look unstable. :rofl:

How can you throw in the towel so soon? So many questions remain!


I am Jesus-like. Like Jesus, I know when to quitā€¦ um.:face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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10 AM and it is already 90 Degrees here. I think the :raccoon: :raccoon: (s) and possums have changed to their summer suits.

Does that count as another answer? :wink:

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I am beyond counting. Can you not see me glowing, like Antonionius (sees me glowing.)

Evanescent. Well, that might be a stretch. :slight_smile: