Summon the frog, get the peep 🤷‍♂️

Antonionius is already shpritzing like a dignified Southern woman (what is the word those gals use for perspire, can’t recall. :thinking: )

Where’s MTG when you need her?

Currently 98 degrees outside in the shade on the North side of the house. Inside is 77* :cool: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Life of Riley. :slight_smile:

94° F. Heat index 109° F.

My thermometer sensor is in the backyard in complete shade. How about you come visit and lay down on my concrete driveway on the South side of the house and see how long it takes you to smell roasting :frog: :laughing:

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A fatal lapse in judgment. :slight_smile:

Lolling around in the :man_swimming: pool? A better offer…aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh :watermelon:

I got the Weather Witch working on it. :grin:

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Whether (we like it or not!)

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Pool was my choice. :swimming_woman:

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Did you invite your tree diver friend to come back?


Well done, brother man :+1:

Don’t be :cow: ed.

No. I haven’t seen any since I posted a sign near my pool. I wasn’t sure if they can read.

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I went there a couple of times. They had an item on their menu called a Fugly that was a 16-ounce tall boy (the canned beer varied) plus a shot of Old Crow. Good times.

Thank you, sir!

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Good evening, Mr. Choice, thank you for visiting the thread.

Does man have free will?

Also, I wonder if @StevenA’s Wyze-oriented Jeopardy format would be popular on the site.

Also, I wonder if I am a ‘stickler.’

Also, I wonder if Stevie (as a lad) had a hunch he might wonder as much as he ultimately did.

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This is because of @R.Good’s @Creaseofchoice comment?

You’re welcome, Mr. Peep. I like this topic.

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Is this still relevant?

Was it ever?

Happy 4th Ya Mugs!  :us:

What flavor flies :fly: :fly: :fly:(s) are on your grill for today?


I need less vivid colors from my videos. When will Wyze introduced Blandscape™ mode?


Was this the air quality cost of fireworks fun in frogtown last night?