Sprinkler Controller - Schedule ignoring freezing weather

I awoke this morning to a balmy 28 degrees in Dallas, TX and my sprinklers running. I’ve been using the Wyze Sprinkler Controller (with an active Sprinkler+ subscription) since June 2021 and have never had issues with the schedules disobeying rules for freezing weather, high winds, etc. I’m running the latest firmware (v1.0.11) and the controller is online.

Anyone experiencing similar issues or have a suggested fix? For the time being, I’ve disabled all schedules to avoid any further malfunctions.


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I think I figured it out… When the schedule started, it was likely above the freeze threshold I had set (default = 34 degrees F). In the app, it showed “All Zones Soaking” and a “Manual Skip” (which is probably the skip due to freezing). Sure would be nice for it to be a little more intuitive. It should have sent me a push notification that there was a freeze skip, but I don’t see it anywhere in my notification history.


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