Smart Plug- Yes or No

Thanks all for your input.

Well, this is where I stand now. None of my 5 cams (without Smart Plugs) have dropped OFFLINE in a while. Wyze Smart plugs failed too often and could not be put back online without unplug and plug.

Therefore, since I run my cams continuously and am going to be able to reset them if they go OFFLINE because I will be home mostly for now.

However, I’ll purchase some KASA Smart Plugs and have them at hand in case I do run into cameras dropping offline. But I’m going without any Smart Plugs for now while I’m home. Then I will give Kasa a try If cameras begin to drop offline.

As I said, Wyze Smart Plugs I found did drop off too often for me. Removing them seemed to solve (at least for now) that issue. However, I will not hesitate to insert Smart Plugs if necessary.

You just awakened Murphy’s Law. Wait and you will see :rofl:

If I were you, since you already invested in Kasa, I would plug them the moment I get them. Don’t create any schedules, just leave them plugged in, ready to turn them off and on at will. But then, that’s just me. Do as you wish, it’s your setup and your time after all.

A few of us told you that that is the reason we are using non Wyze plugs. Reliability. Sooner or later the cameras will follow suit, just a matter of time.

All the best

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Ditto, what & all @habib says.