Smart bulbs have all stopped responding to Alexa commands... Now a few of my smart plugs have too

All smart bulbs have all stopped responding to Alexa commands… Now a few of my smart plugs have stopped as well. I have removed and reinstalled. Commands are working in Wyze app but in Alexa app the selected plugs and bulbs say “server is unresponsive”.

there is a supposed but uncorraborated data breach w wyze.
as a result, they added security protocols and logged everyone out of the system.
You need to log back in, authenticate, go to alexa, go to skils, forget it, re-enable it, re-authentic thru it.
You should be good to go,
If you have ifttt scripts you may need to do the same there too

Yeah, I believe all, or at least nearly all users were logged out of the Wyze app and Alexa yesterday. Here’s how to reconnect.


Thank you… Helped and works fine now.

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Glad I could help. :slight_smile: