My dead OG cam played a notification, like 3 notes, when motion activated. (I don’t mean a push to my phone). I thought this was offered on all cams (just turned off) but I can’t find it on the CamPan v3. It would be nice to list features of each in a chart. We don’t carry our phones everywhere when at home and it would be nice. Please tell me if it’s not offered or a work around, so I can stop fiddling or looking for a solution online. Thank you in advance.
Are the wyze engineers divided in silos by each camera type and not know how each others prod. work?? Why are there different screens to set notifications, will one cancel the other? Do they even use the Wyze products they created and see what customers are experiencing?
I think you’re talking about Settings ➜ Detection Settings ➜ Motion Warning. I don’t see this for Cam Pan v3.
I wonder if you mean how Settings ➜ Event Recording ➜ Customize Recordings and Settings ➜ Notifications ➜ Manage both go to the same screen (so the changes should save regardless of the pathway) or if you mean a device’s individual setting to enable or disable notifications vs. Account ➜ Notifications ➜ Push Notifications ➜ Devices. Either way, I get the point, and the app definitely feels somewhat fragmented with its plugin nature (as noted via the Plugin Version line on a device’s Device Info screen), especially since it still doesn’t support anything like a dark theme throughout the UI. There are a lot of head-scratching inconsistencies.
I like that idea. Wyze has some comparison charts[1][2], but they don’t go into details about every feature. I think something like that could be useful but might also be difficult to maintain unless Wyze comes up with a better system for their documentation, because they occasionally add features via firmware and app updates, and a lot of the current Help Center articles just haven’t really kept up with the changes.